♤-Chapter: 5-♤

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"The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same." -- Colin R. Davis

Chapter 5: Show Off

Clear View University

Just for the show, I revved my car causing more stares. Parking in an open spot close to the entrance of the school building I switched off the engine. Fixing my makeup and checking my hair before touching the button on the side of the door making it move up automatically.

I knew everyone was looking at me when I drove in, just knowing this made me smirk. Dramatically I placed my one leg out before getting out of the car completely.

With probably the biggest smirk ever I lifted the sunglasses off from my eyes and up to my head where it would stay for most of the day. The car door closed again and I walked to the school entrance while ignoring everyone.

Stopping short after entering the hall I looked around trying to spot the office. I knew the few people that were already in the hall were staring at me.

After I spotted what I was looking for, I walked into the boring looking room where I was bound to be found quite a few times this year. There was classical soft music playing in the room.

Close to the door, there was an office counter with a woman sitting behind it. The lady looked up and offered a kind smile which I did not return.

"Good morning, welcome to Clear View University. How can I help you?" her chirpy voice made me cringe; the woman looked at me waiting for me to speak.

"Good morning," my voice was nothing close to hers "I was signed in by my guardian Friday." The woman nodded and started typing something after she found what she was looking for she looked up and said: "Can I please have your ID?" I gave her my ID and she entered the number into the computer.

"Found it, Miss Aksakor, correct?" I nodded with no emotion on my face. She pulled open a folder with lots of papers in it. "Here is your schedule and locker number, E75 with a school map. Also, a brochure with all the school activities and events in it. "

The old lady smiled at me as I look at the folder. She also handed me a lock which I presume should go on my locker. "Here's your lock for your locker, code 52013, it's on your schedule if you forget." I nodded with all the information swarming my head.

Before I could walk the door of the principal opened. "Miss Aksakor? Please before you leave, come in." She asked me. I internally groaned before walking into her office. "I'm Vice Principle Ross, welcome to Clear View University." I shook her hand out of politeness.

"So, I know who you are, I owed Silva a favor but that doesn't mean I tolerate any trouble. So enjoy the Uni but don't cause too many problems all right?" I chuckled and smirked.

"Not too much, don't worry." Before she could reply I walked out of her office and out into the hall. I didn't say goodbye to the desk lady. I know it's rude but her voice was way too screechy and her smile was way too big with red lipstick plastered like cement on her lips.

The classroom in front of me had a bold 15 written about the door. According to my schedule, my homeroom was class number 21 so I walked down the hall until I saw the number 21 written above a door.

Homeroom class would be ongoing for the first month or so because of how our classes worked. No matter when your classes were you had to be here at 8 am sharp.

The school bell had already rung and the halls were nearly empty. I reached the room and saw people casually sitting inside the class. There was a wall full of lockers and immediately I spotted mine.

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