♤-Chapter 31-♤

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"People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy." --Tony Robbins

Chapter 31: The Country of Pizza

Wednesday Morning, Italy, Rome

Our Private jet just landed in one of the airstrips on Rome Ciampino Airport. The 75 degrees summer day was making sweat glow all over our bodies. Ace and I were dress casually for the summer heat but Dimitri was -like always- dressed to impress in his grey suit.

Honestly, we looked like stuck up people with a lot of money. A lot of the other tourists looked at us as we walked through the terminal.

There were 2 porters following us to the exit, where a car was waiting for us, with our bags on their bag carriers. One of the porters looked familiar but I could put my finger on it. It bothered me that I couldn't remember where I knew him.

Dimitri was casually walking with his one hand in his pocket while Ace was playing with his hair and sunglasses, doing who knows what. I was probably the only one doing something normal, staring down at my phone not bothering with anybody around me.

Our private jet took off last night at 7 pm from Clear View Point and we flew for 13 hours before arriving here in Italy. "Are you going to book into our room before paying a visit to Mr. Adalberto?"

I asked as we got into the car. "Yes, Rocco Forte Hotel de Russie," Dimitri answered my question and also telling the driver to where.

Dimitri and Ace talked for a while as I stared out the window. Something caught my eye causing me to look at the divider inside the car.

That sneaky little piece of shit. I leaned closer to Ace and whispered. "When did the driver raise the divider?" This caused Ace to look up and shrug, "About 5 minutes into the ride." Ace was new so he didn't realize what this meant.

I snapped my fingers softly to get Dimitri's attention. When he looked up I pointed to the divider. The thing is that no driver is allowed to raise the divider unless asked to and I know none of us asked him to do that, which means this is a trap.

That's why the porter looked so familiar; he was one of the main members of the Roman mob we would be visiting today. This was a classic, find us before we find them move.

As the car slowly came to a stop we got ready to fight, but it seems they were one step ahead of us. The gas slowly moved into the passenger area and I knew that we wouldn't be able to do anything. I felt my eyes closed and slowly I fell into a deep slumber.

 I felt my eyes closed and slowly I fell into a deep slumber

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"Lei sis ta svegliando." I heard a voice that sounded so far away. I tried opening my eyes but it was a struggle. Where the hell was I? Why was my head hurting so much? (She is waking up.)

"Chiama il capo." There were footsteps and then silence. I blinked trying to get rid of the blur. "Wake up Cagna." (Call the boss) / (Bitch)

Slowly I looked up at the man before me. It was the porter boy again. I chuckled softly. Now that I knew where I was and remembered what happened, I relaxed. "I got to give it to you guys; I didn't realize it until it was too late." The man in front of me glared as I smirked.

"Stai Zitto, Cagna!" The smirk fell off my face. Without making too much movement I tried untying the knot holding my hand together behind the chair. "It's rude to talk to a lady that way. Did your Madre not teach you any manners?" (Shut up bitch!) / (Mother)

*RAP - Fist Hitting Flesh Sound*

My face turned to the right. The ass had just punched me on my cheek. I spit out the blood and glared back at him. I could feel the knot loosening around my hands. "Vaffanculo tu." I growled. Great now my jaw was going to hurt like a bitch. (F*ck you)

Suddenly the door in the room banged against the wall. I stopped playing with the ropes and stared at the man in front of me. Smirking I chuckled. "Letting the Roman Mob do your dirty work now?" I stared up at Riley Moretti.

We had searched everywhere for him in Miami, but it turned out he knew we would be finding him soon, the knowledge made him jump ship and we could find no trace of him until now.

I finally understood why. It was because he was hiding in plain sight, right under our nose with our partners.

He chuckled and looked at me. "No, I just happened to be around here in Rome." He walked closer and the sadistic smile fell off his face. The next thing I know, I felt excruciating pain in my thigh. I bit my lip, as to not let out a sound. Venom had plunged a knife into my thigh and pulled it out.

"That is for bringing my family into something they didn't need to be in, especially my children," I said nothing and only stared at him. "I was fairly surprised to get a call from my wife. You see, I made sure she got used to those injections." Of course, he did.

The rope around my hands finally went loose. I held them until Riley was almost out of the room. He didn't say anything else before walking. I jumped up and wrapped the rope around the porter boy's neck and held it until he passed out.

All of this I did silently. Venom was about to reach the door when I called out. "Is that all you're going to do? You make it look like they're not that important. He turned around and for a second shock was all over his face.

He glared before rushing up to me. "Don't talk about them like that!" We jumped at each other and both landed a punch. His punch landed in my stomach whereas mine landed in his face.

We dropped and I groaned in pain, he spits out the blood and the once sparkling white tooth that was now covered in blood.

We lunged again and punched. For every hit I made, he also made one. We fought for a few minutes before I finally got the advantage I needed. I wrapped my hands around his neck and fought to stay on top as his arms trying to push me off got weaker.

As his eyes closed and the fight stopped I let go. Tiredly falling to the floor next to him, I struggled to get my breath.

Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write

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