Wake Up Izuku... Please

Start from the beginning

Deku's POV:
I sat in the bed, waiting for the doctor to say something. "Ok so this is just a simple check up." She said, looking me up and down. I was still shaking. Shortly after she finished the nurse walked in mumbling something to the doctor. "You're family is concerned about you and asked me to give you a prescription for anti depressants. How long have you been having these thoughts?" The doctor asked a concern look in her face. No another person worrying, not good! "7th grade, after my mom went missing before I had my quirk." I said looking at the ground instead of the doctor. "I know of your and your mother's situation.... I'm just shocked she was out for much longer then you...." The doctor said writing something down and handing it to the nurse. "Give this to a parent." She said, then turned back to me. No stop trying to help! Let me die. "Everything well end up ok..." She said before leaving me in the room again. A few minutes past and my parents and Sho walked in. "Can I leave?" I said just wanting to go home. They nodded they're head and left me to change into some fresh clothes. I met them out in the hall, we were all silent, Dad and Mom hand they're fingered intertwined. Shoto quietly grabbed my hand forming circles with his hand as he held mine. Once in the car I knew where we were going, the pharmacy. We drove in silence, and got the anti depressants. Then we began to drive home.
     I didn't realize we were pulling up to another building until the car parked. A tall building with 1-A printed on the front. "We have dorms now, there are no roommates. But we share a dorm for safety reasons." Sho said finally speaking up. I knew what these safety reasons are, so I don't get attacked again or try to kill myself. I'm no idiot well I am sometimes... "Your stuff is inside all ready dear stay safe." My mom said pulling me into a hug All Might following shortly after. After our goodbyes I saw All Might say something to Sho and hand him the bottle that held my pills. Then they drove away. I waved good bye as they did, until I couldn't see the car anymore. Then me and Sho walked into the building.
   "DEKU YOU'RE OK THANK THE LORD!" I heard Uraraka yell as soon I stepped inside. She was with Asui (Forgot how to spell her name). She was sitting on her lap. When did that happened? I don't remember them being a thing? I ducked beside Sho. "Uraraka he just woke up, please let him be for now." Sho said with a serious face. "Oh course! Sorry Deku just happy to see you." She said as Sho dragged me up 2 flights of stairs and into our new room. It mid day on a Saturday. I watched Sho opened the bottle and take out to a pill. "One now, one later. I'll be keeping these away from you. No sneaking out of taking these, I don't forget." Sho said ha she grabbed he went into the bathroom and filled up a glass of water. "Take the pill then have a nap. We're just gonna stay in here for today." He said, he had a smile on his face. He was happy I was awake just hiding he was hurt for the fact that I still cut. I put the pill in my mouth and drank the water. So I wouldn't swallow the pill I slipped in under my tongue. "Swallow it Izuku." Sho said how could he see that I'd didn't swallow it. With that I took another slip of water now swallowing the pill and I went to lay on my bed. Sho payed down next to me, I snuggled into his chest. "This is to help you Izu. It's not gonna hurt you." He said to me all I did was nods my head. After a while I drifted off to sleep.

~Deku's Dream~
    I was in a dark room when I heard demonic voice spoke these words.
You can't be happy.

You are nothing.

Don't take those pills.

But what would be the cost if I don't take this pills? Well it put Sho through more pin? Umm just hurting him. I can't make anyone happy not even myself. But Sho smiles when he is around me. I watched the room turn to a lighter color. I continue to think happy thoughts till the room was pure white. The demonic voice speaking again.

It's all fake.

With that the room shot back to black and I began to cry.

~End of dream~

I shot upright in my bed, Shoto's arms wrapped around my waist. I began to shake. "Izu, is everything ok?" I heard him mumble to me. "Nightmare, that demonic vocie it won't go away...." I said crying into his shoulder after he sat up now awake. "Shh it's ok. I love you Izu. With all my heart." He said these words calmed me down a bit but I was still crying. "I love you too Sho." I said into his shoulder he was still holding me rubbing my back calming me down. Then he looked at the clock. "It's time for pill number two." Sho said as he got up and grabbed a pill form the bottle and the glass from earlier. I was able to do this trick I learned. I slipped the pill down my long sleeve shirt, pretending to put it in my mouth. Then I drank the water swallowing it. Sho believe it this time. I'm sorry Sho. But I'll take at least one a day. I thought as he hugged me and headed into the bathroom. I then took the pill out of my sleeve and put it back in the bottle. "I'm sorry Sho." I mumbled laying down, the shower beginning to run.

~2016 words! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of What Was The Cost? I'm hoping to make this book longer then Shadows. It's gonna get more depressing I promise... but then I'll give Shoto and Izuku the happily ever after they deserve

Or will I?~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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What Was The Cost {Squeal to Shadows} {Depressed Deku x Todoroki}Where stories live. Discover now