Dakota chuckles at him, nudging him with her shoulder. 

"My mother--could she be a ghost? Dakota's too?" 

"Jack, my mother isn't dead." Dakota states, her brow pinched together in confusion. "And no, we burned her body." 

"That's right, and what gets burned...stays dead." Dean says as he tosses in a row of matches. 

They all watch the body burn for bit, waiting until the flames die down. Dakota claps, the sound echoing throughout the empty cemetery. 

"Alright, well, I'm hungry and tired, so I say we head out. Good days work." She tells them, patting Sam on the shoulder before walking to the Impala. 

Dean casts a look over to his brother, who gives him a nod towards Dakota. The older Winchester presses his lips and turns to follow his daughter. 

"Hey, Kota, wait up." Dean calls out, Dakota pauses and waits for him to catch up. 

Sam waits until their out of ear shot before turning to Jack, the Nephilim looks up at him in confusion. 

"How'd you know about Dakota's mom?" Sam questions, Jack blinks a couple times, baffled by his words. 

"I asked about her." He answers slowly.

Sam's eyes widen briefly, shocked that Dakota would mention Marley in a causal conversation. Dakota, for the most part, avoids ever bringing Marley up--she refuses to acknowledge the woman. 

"And she told you?" 

"Dakota said that she wasn't around, that she left her and Dean." 

"Sammy! If you make me wait any longer for food, I'm going to eat your secret stash!" Dakota threatens, shouting from her place against the Impala. 

"Wait, Sam has a secret stash of food?" Dean questions, glancing over at his daughter.

Dakota scoffs, laughing slightly. "Hell yeah he does, when we get home--I'll show you." 

Dean holds up his fist, to which Dakota bumps her against. Both of them sharing a smile. 

In the morning, Sam was called about another victim, which leads to Jack and Dakota sitting in the back of the Impala

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In the morning, Sam was called about another victim, which leads to Jack and Dakota sitting in the back of the Impala. Sam and Dean were talking to the cops about what happened.

"I don't know if I ever told you this, Jack, but I'm sorry that you didn't get to meet your mom. She was a really great woman." Dakota tells him softly, glancing over at him. 

"I did get to meet her, in a way at least." Jack explains, he goes on to tell about how it felt when he channeled Kelly. 

"She would be proud of you." Dakota informs him, her voice holding the same soft tone it always seemed to have with him. "You're going against every stereotype and choosing your path." 

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