Part 4

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Gerard started crying so I stroked his head and tried to comfort him the best way I knew how. We may have just met but I was starting catch feelings fast. I wanted to wait until I knew him better, but knowing me I wouldn't be able to hold back long.

"Hey, Gerard?"

He lifted his head and sniffled.


"We only have thirty minutes until the movie starts. Do you want to go to the house and get something first. Mikey and Pete might want to go too."

"Yeah, of course. I'll get the snacks and you get the blankets?"

"Okay. It'll be pretty late when we get back. Maybe you should spend the night at my house. I don't know how late your parents go to bed, but we shouldn't disturb them."

"My parents are very strict. They would kill me if they found out I was gay. They're also Catholic. And homophobic. And racist. They just despise anything different than them."

Gerard smiled.

"They sound lovely."

Gerard nudged my arm and laughed. He jumped in the driver seat and fixed his hair in the rearview mirror. He caught me looking and winked. I laughed and got in the passenger seat. Gerard held my hand on the center console and looked at me sideways. I giggled and kissed his hand. He drove out of the parking lot and headed back in the direction of our houses. When he pulled into his driveway he leaned over to kiss me but I put my hand on his chest.

"Homophobic parents. Remember? I don't wanna get kicked out of my house right now."

"Of course, sorry. See you in fifteen?"

I nodded and got out of the car. I looked back and he was watching me walk. I playfully wiggled my ass again and he sighed. I laughed and opened my front door. I tried to stop smiling but I just couldn't. I walked into the kitchen and my parents both raised their eyebrows.

"You look happy. Where have you been? I sent you next door like three hours ago. Why are you smiling so much? Are you high? Drunk? Frank, why the fuck are you ignoring me? Where are you going?"

"Dad calm down! Yes, I'm happy, you act like that's impossible. I've been with the neighbors. Gerard was showing me around town. I'm smiling because maybe I'll actually have friends in this place, instead of being like last time we moved and I didn't talk to anyone for three months. No, I'm not high or drunk. I'm not ignoring you, I was waiting until you finished so I didn't interrupt, and I'm going to see a movie. After I'm spending the night at Gerard's because it'll be pretty late when we get back, and I don't want to wake you guys up. Is that okay? Or do you have another game of Twenty Questions for me?"

I walked down the hallway to my room and closed the door. My parents were probably going to be mad at me, but I could just blame it on something stupid like medication or being a depressed teenager with shitty parents. Knowing them, I'll go with the former. I grabbed the blankets and pillows off my bed and put them in a neat pile next to my door. I went through my drawers and freaked out, not knowing what to wear. I decided I would definitely not sleep naked at his house, that I could go one night being slightly uncomfortable. I picked a pair of black joggers and a Smashing Pumpkins shirt. I got a hoodie and put it in my bag. I went through a mental list of the things I had, and the things I didn't have but might need. I looked at my phone and saw I only had two minutes until I was supposed to meet Gerard in his yard. I brushed my teeth and slid a stick of gum into my mouth. I made my way outside and noticed Gerard was looking towards the back seat. I sneaked up to his window and banged on his door. Before he turned around I crossed my eyes and stuck out my tongue. Gerard screamed like a little girl. I laughed and walked over to the passenger seat of the car.

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