Part 9

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I didn't blame him for not telling me, but I wish I didn't have to find out like this. I followed Frank through the house, past the hateful insults from his parents. I walked out of the door, but stopped for a second. This house was cursed. Everyone besides Frank that ever lived here found a way to hurt me. First with Molly, then Dawson, then Bert, now Frank's parents. I turned around and before Mr. Iero could slam the door, I punched him in the face and spit at his feet. I picked up Frank's bags and ran across the yard. I wasn't scared that Mr. Iero would retaliate, just worried that Frank would notice it took me longer to get to my house. I walked inside and shut the door. Frank took his bags upstairs while I talked to my mom.

"Hey, mom?"

"Yeah, sweetheart?"

"So you know how Frank's parents are, right?

"Of course. They try to seem like the best parents they can be, but Frank doesn't deserve people who are so unaccepting. I don't see how they can call themselves Christians."

"So glad you feel that way. Frank just came out to them, but they kicked him out. I figured, if it's okay with you, since he already practically lives here-"

"Gerard, don't say another word. My house is always open. I said yes to Pete because of Mikey. I'm saying yes to Frank because of you. We all love Frank like family, of course he can stay. Just please don't be too loud at night."

"Thank you, ma."

I walked upstairs and tackled Frank in the hallway. His face was dry, but I could tell he'd been crying.

"What did your mom say? Can I stay?"

"Yeah, you can stay. She doesn't have the heart to say no. Plus she loves you."

Frank smiled and pushed me off of him. We got up and Frank leaned his head on my chest. He slid his hands down my back and rested them on my waist. I

He looked up at me at smiled. His eyes were so pretty. He leaned in and hesitated, and just like the first time we kissed, I licked my lips and slammed into him. He pushed me into our room and closed the door behind him. I turned us around and pushed him on the bed, following close behind. I heard a knock on my door but ignored it. Frank leaned his head to the side and I started kissing the soft spot on his neck, right above his collarbone. He moaned quietly and I smiled. He pushed me over and got on top of me, legs bent on either side of me. There was a harder, impatient knock on the door. I sighed and rolled Frank over. He laughed and I opened the door.

"Come on guys, the concert starts in ten. Y'all better be thankful we live down the street from the venue. While you two were rolling around-"

"Being loud as fuck by the way-"

"We were actually trying to get ready. Let's go."

"Mikey, we're coming, damn. Pete, you are so much louder than Frank and me. So shut the hell up, will you?"

Pete laughed and followed Mikey down the stairs. I held Frank's hand and walked with him all the way to the car. Mikey was still too young to drive, and Pete didn't have his license yet.

"Gerard, can I drive?"

"I don't know, Mikey. You don't have a license and there's gonna be a shit ton of cops. How about I drive, and if it's not too crowded, I'll let you drive home, is that okay?"

"Oh, um, yeah. Of course."

I jumped in the car and everyone else followed suit. Frank sat next to me so Pete and Mikey could talk about whatever they were talking about. I drove down the street, and sure enough, there were cops everywhere. We got out of the car and showed the security people our tickets. They showed us where to go and wished us a good time. Frank and I were in the very center of the front row, while Pete and Mikey were on our left.

"Frank? How long ago did you get these tickets?"

"Two months."

"Two months? What the hell?"

"Gerard, calm down. I was gonna take the band members, but they haven't talked to me since I left. I figured not to let them go to waste, especially when I could take the people that mean most."

"Nice job, dude."

"Thank you, Mikey."

"Everybody look, there they are. Oh my god, they're right there!"

The band members walked on stage and immediately started thanking everyone for coming out.

"Mikey? We should start a band."

"Ok, we could call ourselves Raygun Jones, just like the old days."

"No, we need something cooler."

"Gerard, what is cooler than fucking Raygun Jones?"

"What about... Ah shit, Mikes. I don't know, we'll talk about it later."

They played a few songs and Mikey said he had to go to the bathroom. Pete went with him and left Frank and I by ourselves. Bullet With Butterfly Wings started playing and I heard Frank sing along. He had such an amazing voice. I sang with him and halfway through the song, we ended up kissing. All of a sudden, the song stopped and we looked up, confused. The lead singer, Billy was kneeling right in from of us.

"Well hello."


"Are you two boyfriends?"


"Do you wanna come on stage with us?"

I looked at Frank and shrugged. He nodded and jumped on stage, helping me up after. I smiled and hugged Billy. He went backstage and got a stool for me to sit on.

"Are you okay with sitting in his lap? We only have one spare stool."

Frank nodded and hopped onto my lap. I saw Pete and Mikey make their way back to our seats, and look around for us.


Mikey obviously didn't hear me. Billy saw me struggling to get his attention and called Mikey's name. Both Mikey and Pete's heads shot in the direction of the stage. When Mikey saw me on stage, he laughed and nudged Pete, who was pointing towards the back of the room.

Goodnite, Dr. Death || FrerardOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz