Chapter 7

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A woke up in her flat hungover and her head pounding, and her body ached from dehydration. She rolled over in her bed, light streaming through the window, groaning she grabbed her phone from the nightstand. 3 missed calls from Henry. Ugh it's not even noon yet and they are all within the hour. She was about to go back to sleep went a knock resounded throughout her flat.
"Come in, you have a key." A said,  knowing it was Henry. The door unlocked, letting in the only person she had left.
"Hey, you okay?" Henry asked approaching her bed.
"Yeah just a little hungover." Ana replied letting him sit down in her bed, her back towards him.
"I miss him too." H said running a hand up and down her back soothingly. A rolled over into his arms, wrapping hers around his waist.
"T was the one who brought me to earth, he was in the gallows of the palace and he told me about Earth and the MIB and you." A said hugging him tighter. "He made the conversation about me and what I wanted in a place that wanted nothing more that to control me or see me dead."
"Well I'm glad you got out of there and I'm especially glad that you are here with me, right now." H said, his voice low. His lips brushed against hers softly, before slowly applying more pressure. She sat up, not breaking the kiss, and swung her leg over, straddling him, rocking her hips, teasing him. He turned the tables flipping them over, grabbing her hands and pinning them above her head, kissing her hungrily, holding her tightly against him. She decided that if she wasnt allowed to touch I'm that, he gave her no choice. She broke the kiss and directed it down to his neck, finding his sweet spot instantly. He let go of her wrists grabbing her ass attacking her lips again, breathing heavily. A started unbuttoning his shirt, before pushing it off his shoulders exposing his toned chest and chiseled abs. A wanted to touch every part of him, gripping his back as he started giving attention to her neck. H quickly pulled off her shirt, leaving her at his mercy in panties and a bra. He quickly undid his trousers and slipped them off and kneeled in front of him on the bed. She sat up meeting him, kissing him, pushing him onto his back and straddling him. A smiled at H before kissing his chest, and up to his neck in all the sweetest spots. He sat up kissing A deeply, running a hand through her soft brown hair. The moment was killed when someone knocked at the door. A got up putting H's shirt on to go answer the door, while H sat back catching his breathe. A opened the door to find a tall well dressed man with dark hair and stubble, with piercing blue eyes.
"Um hello, can I help you?" A asked the man.
"You can actually..." the man said grabbing A by the wrist pulling her into the street towards a car. A was stunned by the mans audacity that some random ass dude would just drag her out of home.
"I'm taking you home." The man stated.
The gears turned in her head and A quickly took action, analyzing that she probably wouldn't be able to take him in a brute force conflict but she could use her own weight against him. A kicked her leg out hooking her foot around his ankle and forced it backwards, sending him forwards face first into the car.
"Henry we have a problem." A yelled.
H was at the door almost immediately still in his boxer briefs, and with a concerned look on his face. H grabbed the man and dragged him into A's flat, A closed the door and grabbed her detaining cuffs. A got dressed giving H his shirt back to get dressed as well, she grabbed the man and took him down to her car putting him in the back seat. H got in the driver seat of A's car a got in the back seat with the man, strapping him in and strapping herself in as well. A put her hands on the sides of the man's head starting a head dive she looked around finding herself in the royal palace of Noltair, she was in the gallows  where she used to torture people in the worst ways possible. A shuttered at the thought of the people she tormented to catatonia, their blank lifeless eyes, staring at her.
"Archer... dont make me hurt you. Come out." She yelled.
Archer appeared out of thin air, hands clasped behind him making is, his face was blank, emotionless. She thought her brother would be happy to see her, but he seemed to not care at all.
"I havent seen you in 6 years, you look different, but aren't you happy to see me?" A asked confused.
"Its been 6 for you but it's been 15 for me. I'm glad I found you because now I can return you back to father, he has so many plans for you." Archer said darkly. A lurched out of the head dive, horrified that her brother would take her back there. Something felt wrong when she was in his head, very wrong, but she didn't know what. A unstrapped her seatbelts and climbed into the front passenger seat, then strapped in again.
"So who is the guy, possessive ex from Noltair, because I could have taken him, I hope you know that." H rambled.
"First of all no you wouldn't be able to take him, he could turn your brain to mush in a minute flat, and secondly meet Archer, my older brother, here to take me back to the Mad King of Noltair aka Father." A explained.
They pulled up to MIB London, A taking Archer down to containment not letting anyone close to I'm that he could hurt or head dive into their deepest thoughts. A walked out of the cell finding H just on the other side, arms crossed looking very serious, he looked very hot when he was serious but honestly she didn't like it because he wasnt happy. Happy Henry was much better company. A grabbed H by the arm and dragged him to the elevator, going up to his new office. She sat H behind his desk, hoping he would calm down a bit, she sat down on his desk, taking a breather herself.
"Ana, the MIB doesn't really know much about Noltians, I really dont like this situation we are in, I really want to protect you but I can't help but feel useless in this situation." H stated combing a hand through his locks.
"I know but there really isnt much you can do, Archer is a powerful telepath but I can protect myself against him." A insisted.
"But what about you?" H asked.
"What about me, he cant hurt me and given what I used to do it's not in his best interest."
The building rumbled, shaking, A could see cracks forming on the ground and the ceiling rained dust onto the agents in the lobby.
"We are under attack." A said turning to face H.

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