A Normal Day?

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Normal days don't exist; Defiantly not for your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. But, today seemed to be what could be called a "normal" day.

School was quick. Peter arrived on time, flew though his classes, hung out with Ned and Mj, basically, he had an easy day. Even Flash seemed to leave him alone!

Before Pete knew it he was back at the tower working in the lab with his dad, Tony freaking Stark. That's when his phone went off. Peter had programmed Karen to alert him when ever his alter ego, Spider-Man, was needed. There was a bank robbery in progress about three miles from the tower. Tony gave Peter 'the look'. The look that read: "I know, I understand, go." Peter gave his father a brisk nod and wave then was off. His spidey suit forming around him. In no time Pete was at the bank.

"Hey! You know if you needed money that café down the street's hiring!" He quipped gaining the attention of the three male robbers in front of him.

One of the men dropped his   bag-o-cash going for a gun but Peter was faster. The robber soon found that his hand was webbed to his hip, then he found himself webbed to a wall. One down, two to go.

The largest robber charged at Peter trying to attempt at some kind of an attack. While this was happening the third robber was bolting.

Peter had two options.

One: Get run over by the bigguy but stop the runner


Two: dodge the big guy but let the runner escape.

He took option one.

That guy was like a truck. At Peter hit the wall behind him he could have sworn he heard something break. At least the runner was now webbed to the door frame. He wasn't getting away any time soon.

The big guy, who Peter swore was half truck, backed up going for some kind of weapon. But good ol Spider-Man was faster. Peter quickly kicked the robbers legs out from under him allowing the half truck man to fall to the floor with a loud THUD.

After a little bit more of webbing Peter was ready to go. As he swung away he heard a "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS BUG!" In the distance.

After a few more rounds Pete arrived at the tower where he was met with a very concerned Tony in front of him. "Peter! Karen just told me you broke two ribs in that bank robbery?? Bruce's. Office. Now." Peter clicked the big black spider on his chest allowing his Spider-Man suit to retreat away.

In the end he had two broken ribs and a ton of bruising. Luckily it was a Friday and by Monday he would be all healed.

Currently Peter was a cuddled up on the couch with his dad watching Criminal Minds and trying to predict who was the unsub in between bouts of Tony fussing over his son getting hurt and not coming straight home.

Ok so.... Maybe not such a normal day after all.

Spider-Man and the Avengers! One shots. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin