2. The Time When I Met Juan

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Chapter Two

Delayla Cruz

After I had a shower and ate, I found myself in the living room seated on the floor facing my parents with the mysterious hot guy sitting next to them. Apparently, we were having a family discussion, "Before you ask" Mum said calmly, "I would like you to meet Juan, Juan this is Delayla, Delayla this is Juan."

We stared at each other, boy that guy was hot, with dark brown hair and dark brooding eyes. He looked about the same age as me.He had tanned skin and compared to Mum and Dad, he was huge, "Get to the point Mum" I said, "I want to know why this guy has invaded my room."

"Actually he'll be staying there" Dad said.

"What!" I shrieked.

Juan smirked a little at my shocked reaction, "You're not telling me, I have to sleep on the couch."

"No your not" Mum said, "You're sharing a room with him."

I stared at them, to see if they were joking, but they weren't, "We have a small house" Dad warned, "I know you don't like sharing a room with people."

Dad was right, I hate sharing a room with someone, I don't know why I hated it, It just came naturally. Last time I was forced to share a room with my cousin, she fell off the bed that we were sharing, each night she stayed there. She then wanted to sleep on the couch, because I was too restless when I slept and she couldn't sleep at all.

"Dad remember the last time I shared a room with someone?" I reminded.

Dad nodded remembering, "Juan dear" Mum called to Juan, "Why don't you go to your room?"

I coughed, "My room" I corrected.

Juan said nothing as he stood up and went upstairs to my room, I guess he doesn't talk much. "I guess I'll go to my room to" I stood up.

"Oh not you" Dad interrupted, "Sit down, we have a few things to discuss."

I groaned and sat down, I eyed them, "I'm not in trouble right?"

"No your not" Mum said, "We just have a few things to discuss with you. WE just want to explain to you why Juan is here."

"Well why is he here?" I asked curiously.

"We decided to be foster parents" Dad explained.

"What!" I shouted.

"Not really" Mum said, "You see Juan is a troublesome kid"


"He came from juvenile jail" Dad said.

"What!" I screamed again.

"Not too loud" Mum said, "Juan might hear you."

"The police offered us money to take care of him and help him from his problems. Apparently being in jail and rehab wasn't working."

"What problems?" I questioned.

They gave each other a glance, between them they started to list his problems.



"Getting into fights"

"Hijacking cars"


"Addicted to sex."

My mouth was wide open upon hearing that, "You're seriously letting him stay in my room?"

"He's not a sex offender" Mum said, "Don't worry."

"Oh and Delayla" Dad said, "Can you help with the burden and try to help him out? since you're going to be around him most of the time"

"Most of the time?"

"He's going to go to the same school as you."

I groaned. "Oh honey don't be so negative." Mum said.

"Is that all?"

Mum and Dad nodded, I stood up, "One last thing, what happened to you today? Why were you wet and covered in food when you got home? I also got a call from the principal that you got a weeks worth of detention" Mum made known.

"Oh, that" I sighed, "Well this girl decided to blame me for something that I didn't do, everything went downhill from there."

"Okay" Mum accepted nodding, "Go back to your room and get some rest, you must have had a rough day!"

I went up to my room, as I went into the room, I saw Juan on his iPad again. My eyes narrowed at him, he was hogging the whole bed. "Just to clarify, we're sharing the bed. Don't hog it."

He gave me a look, "I don't like to share."

"Well, you're going to have to from now on" I said.

"I don't even want to be here" He muttered.

"Well, I don't want to you to be here too, so I guess were on the same page."

At that remark his lips curled up slightly.

I made my way to the bed, I needed to set some boundaries. I took a long pillow and placed it in the middle of the bed, Juan had to scoot over so I could place it. "My side, your side" I pointed at the two sides of the bed that was being separated by a pillow.

"Well that's stupid" Juan said giving me a look.

"Hey, my parents gave me a long description of the things that you've gotten in jail for, I'm not taking any chances" I put my hands up.

Juan shrugged and continued to play with his iPad, "I wouldn't do anything to bland looking girls."

My mouth dropped at the comment, feeling hurt, I chose to ignore it and went into the bathroom to change into my comfy pyjamas.

As I was changing, I looked in the mirror. Did I look that bland? Well I did have dull dark, brown hair and deathly pale skin but my electric blue eyes? I don't think so. I sighed and took a deep breath, don't let Juan get to you. I was honestly scared, Juan was the person who could literally change my life. How much trouble does he have in store for my family and I? I got out of the room, ready to take a good long rest. My bruises needed to heal.

"Oh, how cute" Juan cooed, looking at me, "You're wearing Hello Kitty pyjamas."

"Shut up" I said, as I climbed into bed and drifted to sleep.

I was shaken awake from my peaceful sleep by Juan, "It's dinner time" He said.

He didn't wait for me as he started to walk downstairs, I groaned getting up. I didn't feel like eating dinner, I was to tired, but immediately after I caught the fragrant smell of freshly cooked food, I was on my way downstairs.

The whole family and Juan sat at the dinner table quietly eating our nasi goreng. Or some people like to say, fried rice. I savoured the dish as it had all my favourite ingredients in it. Diced bacon, egg, chick peas and diced chicken with soy sauce making the rice go brown, Yum.

The silence was unbearably awkward, especially when Juan was hunched over looking intently at the nasi goreng and eating it slowly. This kind of atmosphere made me want to escape it, so I gulfed down my dinner and went back upstairs to go to sleep again. A girl needs her beauty sleep.

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