Chapter 3: Theese thoughts

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I'm at a sleepover JAMMING TO MUSIC FROM THE 60'S


I was walking to school with my head down. Thinking about the Pig. Why was his southern accent so cute!?! "Stop thinking about the damn guy...." I mumbled. But the thoughts kept rushing in and out. Why is his walk so cute? Why was the hug so oddly warm and comfy?! He's so small its cute.... His voice was soft and soothing!
"Oh my fucking god stop thinking about McFattie!" I said out loud.

I got to school gates and looked up and there he was standing alone in the middle of the gravel pathway with a book and a skateboard in hand. He looked up and went over to the bike rack and put his skateboard on the wall behind it. He walked back.
I went closer to him when Iran walked over. I asked Iran to Flirt and get touchy with him the other day.
I got closer to them so I could hear what they would say. "Hey America~" he said touching his shoulder. Suddently I saw America take Irans wrist and twist it just before breaking point. "Don't touch me please!" America said letting go making Iran fall to the ground. "Damn!  How the fuck!?" I said going over to Iran. "Fuck! He almost broke my wrist!" He said getting up. "It hurts like Hell" he said. He is so chubby and innocent how does he know how to to that! He knows defence.... I need North Korea..

The bell rang and we went inside. I walked to my locker pushing people to the side along the way. I got my shit and went to Homeroom.


I walked inside after Iran touched me. I decided to turn things in early so I went to my 4th, 5th, 6th, and 1st period. I had extra credit and other things.  I hung out by my locker until the bell rang.

After the bell rang I went to my Homeroom class. I started to draw once I was seated. I didn't feel like talking to anyone today. So I told my teachers why and they understood.
I drew a girl in a raincoat looking up at a floating umbrella in the rain. I don't know why but I thought it was a cute idea. I was still sad so I drew one of my fears.

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I walked to the cafeteria and went over to the circular table I sit at. I waited for my friends to come over. Cuba came over and sat next to me. "Hey America!" She said happily. I just waved at her. The rest of my table group came over and sat down. "Why aren't you eating America?" Mexico asked me. I looked back up from my book "Uhhh... Not hungry?" I said. "That sounded like a question not an answer" Japan said. I started feel a lump form in my throat. I stood up "excuse me" I said to them. I went over to the open doors and walked outside. I ran to the tree I usually sit at. I started to cry.
I was trying to calm myself down when North Korea came over. I stood up. "D-do you n-nee-" I tried to say. He tried to punch me I dodged it. I took his head and rammed it into a tree. "Touch me again!" I said and walked away.


I saw America ram North Korea's head into a tree. I stood there looking at him while he walked over to me. "Wow you're strong McFattie" I said to him. He looked at me, he held his glasses in his hand tightly. They cracked a little in his hands. "Stop getting people to try and hurt me please..........." He said looking up at me with tears. I just stood there looking at his eyes. One red and one blue. They are.... Really pretty. He snapped his glasses in half and walked away. My fucking go I hate these thoughts.  But he is cute..... I facepalmed. I walked back inside for class.
I couldn't stop thinking...... I need to tell my dad about this. He is a disgusting pig that should die. These shitty thoughts need to go away.

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