Chapter 4: When the problems begun

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Hello!! I made another chapter so I hope you enjoy it!!
Yes there will be some language in this chapter!!
If you don't like it let me know!! :)
Enjoy!! :D


(It's been a month into school)

I woke up on a Saturday morning my brother lightly tapping me and saying to wake up. "Canada wake up! Mom and dad need us!" He said lightly tapping my shoulder. I turned over and sat up, I looked at my brother "Okay I'm up...." I said half awake. He walked out of my room saying: "I'll meet you downstairs in the meeting room with Australia and New Zealand !". I rubbed my eyes and put on my Raccoon Hat and made my way towards my door. I turned off my lights letting the morning sunlight in, "I America opened the curtains........" I said smiling and walking away. I quickly made my way downstairs and went towards the meeting room. I opened the door and went in, I closed it and took a seat by America.


I sighed turning around to face my kids. I looked at France who had a worried expression on her face. "Okay....! So I called you all down here to.... Discuss something........... Important...." I said looking at all of them nervously. What would they think...?

I sat down with France across the table facing our children. "So..... We...... Our....... Relationship is going downhill...." I said to them as calmly as possible. "What do you mean dad?" Canada said.

"Well...... This is very hard to say" France said. "We are getting Divorced...." I said looking at my hands on the table . "WAIT WHAT!?!!?!!" Australia screamed. " were sorry!! Its just not working for us!! We fight and argue all the time!! And we don't have the same feelings anymore like we did when you guys were younger.... " France said. New Zealand started crying.... "So who's moving?" Canada asked. " I will be" France said. "You will probably need time to think about this so you are dismissed early..." I said standing up.

I heard the door as I turned around to face the large window showing the back yard. I felt a tap on the shoulder, so I turned around to see America standing there ... The only one left in the room. "What do you need America?" I asked him. " I know you two are splitting up and I hope you don't take it the wrong way, but I'm not sad! Things like this happen, but I hope you two will still get along and work together when needed". He said looking up at me in a somewhat hopeful way. "Okay.... We will try our hardest...." I said going down on my knees to be his height. I hugged him tightly, he hugged me back saying: "I love you dad..." . He let go and walked towards the door. He opened it "I love you to America...." I said to him. He smiled at me and walked out the door closing it.

I smiled and turned around to face the large window.


I was tearing up as I put some object's away in a box with caution. Then suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I stood up and turned around to see my son America. (I used translate so probably not right) "Qu'est-ce que vous avez besoin de l'Amérique??" (Do you need something America?) I asked looking down at him. "je voulais juste vous faire savoir que .... Même en toi et papa ne vont plus être ensemble, j'espère que vous travaillez toujours ensemble et que vous ne vous disputez pas et ne vous battez pas". (just wanted to let you know that.... Even in you and dad aren't going to be together anymore I hope you both still work with each other and not argue and fight ) I said to her with a smile. "Bon, nous allons essayer de notre mieux .... Je t'aime!" (Okay we will try our best.... I love you!) I said back to him. "Je t'aime!" (I love you) he said back to me leaving my room and closing my door.

I went back to packing.


I walked back upstairs to my room. I quietly opened the door and closed it. I made my way over to my bed. I sat down on my bed, I couldn't believe it! My parents don't have passion for each other anymore.... That means they were faking it for quite a few years. I felt really sad.... Like the worst it's ever been so far.

I decided to go for a walk, so I went down stairs. "Hey! Anyone wanna come with me for a walk?!?!" I asked yelling. I walked to my moms room. "Hey maman? (mom) can I go for a walk?" I asked her. "Yes sweet pea you may (oui petit pois vous pouvez)" she said. "Okay thanks mom!!" I said. "Be back be for dinner!" She said back as I left the room. I took my keychain and

Opens the door. "Bye...." I mumbled. I closed the door and locked it. I walked out of the driveway onto my lawn and continued my walk crossing the street. I needed some alone time to think about things.

Along the way down the road, it's been 15 minutes by now, I saw somebody familiar. White, Blue, Red...... It was Russia. He looked.... Beat up?!?!

He was walking with his head down now, looking at his phone. "Hey Russia why do you have a black eye? What happend??" I asked stopping him from walking. He looked up at me. "Nothing..... Why do you ?!" He asked me in a forceful way. "Because Russia! Your hurt!! Please tell me at least who did this?" I asked softly. "Thailand...." He said quietly. "Oh..." I said quietly. I gave him a bandage "here have this for " I said putting it in his hand. "Uhhh thanks...?" He said putting it in his pocket. "Whelp I got to go now!! See you later Russia!" I said happily, I hugged him and walked off.


I watched the smaller country walk away as happy as ever. His crappy usual self. I sighed as I took the bandage out of my pocket. I don't know why or how he stays so nice and innocent. Maybe I could get Iran to flirt with him and see what McPiggy would do about it.

I held the bandage tightly in my head as I walked back towards my house.

I unlocked the door with the last key colored red on my keychain. I let myself inside making sure no one would see my eye. I closed the door quietly and locked it quickly making sure my siblings wouldn't hear me. I ran over to my bedroom into the bathroom connected to it.

I turned on the light and looked at my eye. "Damn.........." I said to myself taking of the Ushanka (if I spelled that right :/)

I put it on carefully, why would he bring this around with him??

I put my hat back on and turned the light off. I walked to my door and shut it. I turned around to face my bed. I walked over to it and sat down on it. Thinking ...... Just thinking.........



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