38) The Signs When They Have A Crush

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Aries: Playful teasing ftw

Taurus: Is so sweet yet reserved all the same

Gemini: I n t e n s e flirting like omg can you be any more obvious XD

Cancer: Befriends the kid at a totally random time

Leo: Shows off sO FREAKING MUCH it's insane

Virgo: Somehow knows every little detail about the kid

Libra: Offers to help the kid in literally everything

Scorpio: Pretends to hate the kid but it usually doesn't work

Sagittarius: Acts like the kid doesn't exist, then shows up at their doorstep the night before prom with a teddy bear, flowers, and chocolate

Capricorn: Ditches their life of Netflix and popcorn for their crush...at least for a little while

Aquarius: Intense avoiding mode activate

Pisces: Always around the kid literally everywhere they go like it's adorable but creepy at the same time

I'm not a stalker, I swear... *cough*

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