"That's right. That's right, Detective. We're all suffering," Harry says. "We've lost Snow, you've lost your speed, and now... now Zoom can come through that breach anytime he wants. And that, Allen... that's on you."

"Hey, that's on all of us, okay?" I say sternly. "We made these decisions as a team."

"No, we didn't," Harry says.

"Where are you going?" Barry asks.

"I'm gonna go find Jesse before Zoom does... again," Harry says.

"Wait, you found her? How?" Cisco asks.

"Cellular dead zones, remote... People from my Earth vibrate at a different frequency than people from your Earth," Harry says. "They leave cellular dead zones wherever they go."

"That's why I'm always dropping calls around you?" Cisco asks.

"Okay, so... so wait, how did that help?" Iris asks.

"I track the dead zones created by Jesse since she got here and I follow the trail," Harry says. "It's easy."

"What, so you think you're gonna need that gun to convince her to leave with you?" Iris asks.

"You're full of questions today, aren't you, West?" Harry asks. "The gun is not for my daughter. She's not the only person from a different Earth, hiding out on this one If I run into them, I'm gonna need this."

"Okay, but you're also gonna need some help," I say.

"Really? You know anyone with the speed to help me?" Harry asks.

"Wow," Barry says as I scoff at his words. Am I invisible to these people?

"Great. I'll be in my workshop," Cisco says walking out.

"And I... need to go punch something," I say walking out.


I punch the punching bag in front of me with a lot of force. When I pull my hand away from it, I see the spot with my hand burnt. I curse looking at the damage and then pull away to take a drink of water.

"Hey," Iris says walking into my training room.

"Hey," I say with a smile. When we settle into an awkward silence, I sigh. "Look, Iris, are we alright? Things seem to have gotten... awkward and I can't seem to figure out why."

"Things haven't been-" She stops when I give her a look. "Ok, so it has been a little awkward."

"Yeah, um- You know I hate thinking this but is it- is it about Barry?" I ask hesitantly. She sighs looking down. "It is about Barry."

"Look, Liv, I don't want to ruin anything the two of you have," She tells me, as I lean against the wall, crossing my arms. "I just- I don't know what I feel."

"That's what you were talking about before the whole Zoom thing went down..." She nods. "I- It's- It's okay," I tell her. "I'm just- You know I've always been jealous of you?"

Iris chuckles. "Me? Why would you be jealous of me!? You're amazing!"

I chuckle. "You know so much about Barry, you guys are so close. I don't know- I just- You know him so well... I've just always- I don't know- I wish I knew more," I say. "I wish I could help more."

"That's what makes your relationship fun," Iris says. "You guys are always gonna have something to learn from each other, some story to tell. It'll never be boring.... Well maybe when you're old and retired but by then it's really not a problem."

I smile, thinking about what we would be like in the future. I then look at Iris. "Thank you," I say as she nods. "Are things still gonna be awkward between us?"

"Of course not," She says. "Look, whatever I feel, it's just a harmless crush that'll go away soon enough. I'm probably projecting feelings. And we all know Barry loves you more than anything. You'll be fine."

I nod with a smile.

We'll be fine.

We'll be fine

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Surrender: The Flash (2)Where stories live. Discover now