Emiko Aya Midoriya Real Origin

665 22 10


Todoroki POV

My father is being an asshole again, talking about me being the next number 1 hero what does he think he is. I know a f*cking monster.

"Shoto pack your things we are going to America." My old man walk out the door. I shove my hands in my pocket as I walk up the stairs. I open the door to my room and walk in my Japanese room. I pull out a suitcase from under my bed and start packing my things.

After 1 hours of packing I was finally, I had a bath and put on a white shirt, black jeans with a black shoes. I walk downstairs with my suitcase the old man standing while scrolling through he phone.

"Get in the car." I rolled my eyes, and walk outside. I put my suitcase in the back car and got in the back sit while I wait for my old man I mess around with my phone a bit.

My old man got in the car and drove off to the airport. As we reach I quickly got out of the car and walk inside. I walk inside the private and sit down. After a while my father came and sit in the sit infront of me.

After 10 hours of flying we finally reach America. The place was beautiful yet was really busy and noise. The place was full of buildings and they were really colour full.

The drive was about twenty minutes we were at a house. The house was blue and white.

"Shoto get ready we are going to a party." Wait what. "But it's late." It was about 11pm now. "So we are still going." My old man walk off.

I gritted my teeth and walk inside the house and up the stairs and went in a room. I look around the room was just as big as a living room. It have a closet, bathroom and a big king size bed in the middle.

I went in the bathroom and put on the suit my father packed. It was a black tux with a red tie and black shoes. I look in the mirror and comb my hair in a better style separating my red hair from my white one.

After I was finished I walk out of my room and downstairs to see my father waiting for me.

"Come." He demanded and walk off. That damn bastard ordering me around like some slave.

I walk outside and see that the old man was walking next door, I follow behind and saw that they was a party going on.

The bastard open the door and I saw lots of people in there. The man immediately started talking to some people while I walk off to the bar. I got a drink and was playing with it until I swallow it down in one go.

The liquid burn my throat as it go down and I had five more that's when I saw a green hair girl sitting in a stool two sits away from me.

I walk over to her and sit beside her. She look over at me and gave a beautiful smile I had ever seen.

"Hello!" She look happy but I can tell she's drunk. "Hey so what is a beautiful girl like you doing here?" I flirted at her, she blush. "Well I can ask you that too handsome." What I'm i doing the drink is totally getting to me.

Third Person POV

After countless hours of flirting, blush, laughed and some jokes, the two went upstairs got in a private room and had 'IT'

*Flashback end*


Well what do you think was it good or bad please give me some comment on this,

And no I wasn't gonna write a smut.......no way in the hells man I'm not ready for that,

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'till next time

See ya soon

Sunshine fairy 15💋

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