Chapter Four- A safe haven

Start from the beginning

"There's another reason I came over." He told Kara.

Kara smiled, knowing he wasn't there for selfless reasons. "Yeah, what is it?""I wanted to buy a engagement ring for Lucy, but I don't know what kind."

Kara grinned. "Maybe I can help." She walked over to her counter and unlocked where she kept the rings. "Okay, well, Lucy is a very lovely, girl with good taste, but I know she doesn't want anything over the top, so how does a platinum ring with a lavador heart diamond strike you?" She held up the ring to Rami and handed it to him. He looked at it and smiled. It really did scream Lucy and would show how much he loved her. It was too perfect.

"It's lovely." He smiled to her. "I'll take it. How much?"

Kara waved her hand. "On the house."

"But haven't you been saying that your in-store sells are lacking?"

"Yes, but your letting me live in your house. And you just made me feel better. So just take it."

"No, I can't do that."

"I tell you what... If Lucy's in town, we'll all go out to drink and you can buy my drinks tonight after I move in."

"Deal." Rami smiled and handed the ring back to Kara. She put it in a box and handed it to Rami. He walked towards the door and then turned back to Kara. I'll come back with Lucy and we'll help you pack up at your place and keep Gerald out of the way if he's there."

Kara smiled to Rami, "Thanks Rami. I appreciate that."

"Your welcome." He grinned and walked out the door. After work was done, Rami and Lucy walked right in into the store to pick up Kara. "Hey ready to go?" Rami asked. "Yeah, just about." Kara said, locking up the cases and went to the back to get her purse. 

She put it on her shoulder and locked up the front door and escorted Rami and Lucy out the back, locking the door once the three of them were outside in the parking lot. "I got my car." She told them and she got into hers and Rami got in his with Lucy. Kara started up her car and drove off. Rami followed with Lucy in the passenger seat.

He pulled up on the side of Kara who had pulled into what wouldn't be her parking spot anymore. She noticed that Gerald's car wasn't there in his spot he must be out. She turned off her car and got out grabbing her purse. She waved over to Rami and Lucy. "Cost seems to be clear." She told them both once they caught up to her.

Once they got to the door, Kara took out her key and unlocked it. She got lucky that he hadn't changed the locks. But it had only been a week. She got in and let Rami and Lucy in and she guided them to her room. She got out suitcases and they packed everything up in the room including her TV. She then went to her office and got the rest of her jewelry excipient and put it in her other bag. After an hour, things were cleared out. It was almost as if Kara never live there.

She sighed and Rami helped carry one of the bags to her car. They carried it out to the parking lot and Kara unlocked her trunk and they put the bags in and she locked it. "I'll be right back, then we can go." She told them both and walked back over to the apartment. Rami and Lucy looked over at Kara strangely as she walked, but shrugged knowing that it was personal she had to do and just walked back to Rami's car and got back in.

Kara walked back into the apartment and closed the door behind her. She walked into the kitchen, got the notepad on the fridge and the pen and wrote him a note.

Dear Gerald,

I'm sorry I've put this off, but now seems as good as time as any. I'm breaking up with you now and moving on. Thank you for not throwing out any of my stuff. I know we've grown apart and this just happened. I know what you did was bad, but I'm moving on with my life. I hope your well and the movie is doing well.



Kara ripped the note from the pad and left it on the table and put the pen and pad back on the fridge and put her key on the table and walked out the door, walked back to her car and got in. Rami started up his car and drove off with Kara following him this time.

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