Chapter 1

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Let me just start with extra wrap on pencils packages? Really? I go through three steps! Step 1, is the 'I think I'm strong stage' so I try to open it with my hands...but that never works. Step 2, is teeth stage, that just hurts. And finally step 3, is move onto scissors.

"Do you have any ice cream?" I asked.

"Nope, it's winter, what's wrong with you?" Samantha replied.

"It's ice cream, what's wrong with you," I corrected.

She shook her head and laughed. I dropped my head on my binders.

"I can't study anymore!" I groaned. "And I can't open this stupid pencil!"

Samantha came over and sat beside me.

"You have an exam, you have too study," she said.

"That's not helping," I frowned.

"Hey, I'm trying!" She exclaimed.

I grabbed my binder and sat on her counter, and began to recite my notes out loud. Surprisingly, it actually helped! I continued it for a few minutes.

"Do you want to go out for lunch?" Samantha asked.

I immediately shut my binders.

"Yes!" I cheered.

I hopped down from the counter. I grabbed my phone, and slipped it into my pocket. I threw on my jacket, and slipped my boots on. I opened the door, and the sharp breeze hit me. Ah, Canadian winter weather. I walked towards her car, and sat in the passenger seat. She sat beside me, and turned the car on.

"Where to?" She asked.

"I want Subway," I smiled.

She agreed, and drove towards the fast food restaurant. The best part is its pretty close to her house! I spotted the little restaurant down the street. She parked her car in the parking spot right in front of the restaurant. She turned the engine off, and I got out of the car. I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jacket. I stepped into the building and it was really warm.

"Hey Katerina, Samantha!" Drew greeted.

"Hi," I replied.

Samantha waved. I wish I could say I don't come to subway that often, but that would be a total lie... Okay so maybe he knows my name, but that's it. I walked up closer to the counter.

"Your usual?" He asked.

I nodded my head. Okay, and he knows my order already, but I'm pretty sure that's it!

"Coming right up," he winked.

"Why don't we ever try something new?" Samantha asked.

"I like my subway," I said.

"Eh, you're right," she agreed.

Drew came back over to the counter and started to put my ingredients on my sub.

"So," he started.

I smiled.

"You going to the party on Friday night?" He asked.

Okay, maybe he's my friend now because I order here so much...but that's it!

"Erm, I don't know, probably not," I answered.

"Why not? I heard it going to be hype!" He exclaimed.

"I have to study!" I replied.

"Don't worry, the new lesson is going to be easy," he reassured.

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