
Start from the beginning

my phone dinged on the table and i picked it up seeing trey's name.

trey 💉 - i'm good. i promise.
sent 1:13 p.m.

me - 🤨
you gon' tell me what's going on
delivered 1:13 p.m.

trey 💉 - in time i will
sent 1:14 p.m.

i put my phone in my hoodie pocket and proceeded with my lunch. i'd just have to take his word for it.  forcing trey to do something was like trying to push a brick wall; he wasn't gonna budge easily.

i half listened to yasmeen's story as i kept stealing glances at kendell, who just sat and listened quietly, eating his food. he seemed distracted. probably that 'altercation' with trey.

i don't know what was going on, but i don't want my best friend and my new friend to dislike each other. that would just make everything awkward. 

. . . . . . .

class was about to be over in ten minutes and since the a.p. teacher didn't have much else to do since the day was about to over with, and he already assigned homework, he just let us talk amongst ourselves. everyone was engrossed in their own conversation with someone.

kendell just so happened to have this class as well, and he sat next to me at the table. it initially surprised me that kendell was in an a.p. class, but you can't judge a book by its cover.

he hasn't spoken much since we came from lunch, and i didn't want to bother him with questions. but since the day was close to ending, i decided to be a good friend.

"hey, you good?" i asked only so he good hear. he glanced at me and gave me a weak, half smile. "i'm aight. thanks fa' askin'."

i nodded in response and sat back in my seat, playing the the drawstrings on my hoodie. i contemplated on whether i should ask him for his number or something. my teeth began to chew on the inside of my cheek thinking about the possible ways i could ask without being to weird or awkward. 

i was always terrible at this.

"what's your number?" i finally asked after two minutes of thinking, turning to face him.

he turned his body slightly to face me and pulled out his black iPhone 8+, unlocking it and handing it to me. i'm surprised he trusted me enough to just hand it to me. i quickly entered my number and texted myself, then handed him his phone back.

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