Chapter 2

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June 8

It was 1 day before Kyle's birthday and they still had to get the cake and get all the stuff to set up .

"Girls , come on ." , Caliah said .

"Okay , so what's up ?" , Kiarra asks . She's one of the four girls that are in the house , they've all been best friends since middle school . 

"Alright , we're here ." , Michaela said .

"Alright , Kyle's birthday is tomorrow and we haven't got anything , all we have is the location . Any ideas for anything ?" , Caliah asks .

The party was being held at this facility around town , where people can have gatherings . Caliah wanted to make sure this was a special day for Kyle since they haven't really seen each other since they left for college . They've only talked on the phone and video chatted , but haven't really seen each other in person. Caliah has kinda been avoiding Kyle since he started dating Eleanor again 2 years ago , a girl that she has never gotten a long with since high school . Eleanor has always had it out for Caliah , because Kyle and Eleanor were on and off with their relationship in high school , and Caliah and Kyle were always together . She always suspected something was going on between them , but they were just best friends and she was jealous that he always spent more time with Caliah than her .

"Hold up , firstly , who did you invite ?" , Joy asks .

"Y'all of course , his roommates Dede , Alif , and Ty , and some of our old friends from high school ." , Caliah said .

"What about Eleanor ?" , Kiarra asked in a semi concerned way.

"She's gonna be there of course and unfortunately. I mean it is his birthday, she's gonna be there to spend it with him anyways ." , Caliah said .

"I just can't wait until he sees you . I mean you've changed a lot , and you look great ." , Joy said .

In high school Caliah may not have been the prettiest , but she was pretty. All throughout life she had rejection after rejection by any boy she has ever liked . She has never had a boyfriend , never had a first kiss , nothing . After she graduated , she challenged her self to get to the body she's always wanted and just improve upon herself . She did that , and she started to get dates and boys always liked her . They never worked out because , they just weren't Kyle . Kyle is the only boy Caliah's ever really wanted , she loved him and he was always there .

"I can't wait to see him too , like I'm gonna be so nervous ." , "But besides that you guys , we have to get back to planning . " , Caliah said with a grin .

"So what kind of decorations are we gonna have ?" , Michaela asks .

"I think we should do like a memories of the past theme , with like pictures of him when he was small and with you and how he grew up with us over years ." , Kiarra said . 

"I think that's a great idea . Like instead of flowers in a vase, we can have those like card holders and put pictures on them and those sticking out the vase . Then we can have like a lining around the room and the pictures on the lining and people can walk around and see them ." , Caliah said .

"This is really good , but are you gonna have any pictures of him and Eleanor ?" , Michaela asks.

"Just so I don't have to hear her mouth , I'll put up one picture of them from prom ." , Caliah said . 

"Wait, wait a hot second! I just remembered something; I'm gonna ask Kyle's mom to bring me that marriage Kyle and I made when we were kids ." , Caliah said . 

"I thought you said you didn't want to hear her mouth ?" , Joy asks .

"I don't , but a little jealousy is fine." , Caliah said with a smirk .

"I can picture her face right now , oh my gosh ." Michaela said .

"Forreal , but anyways ." , Kiarra said .

"Okay , so not what kind of decoration will we need ?" , Joy asks . 

" So we'll need baby blue table cloths, white, black and baby blue balloons, string, card holders, vases, candy , and etcetera . I already ordered the cake , so all we need to do is get the stuff today and set up tomorrow ." 

"Alright , sounds like a plan ." , Joy said . 

So now all the girls are getting ready to head out to the story . When they get there the girls head off to go get different things and right then and there in the Deli & Bakery department is Eleanor . Michaela and Kiarra are standing there shocked , thinking like what a coincidence she would be here . Instead of acting like they don't see her , they go up to her and start a chat . 

"Eleanor!" , Kiarra says like she's happy to see her .

Eleanor turns around and drops her meat with the shocking look of disbelief . She picks her meat up with a confused look , and says , "Hey."

"What are you doing here?" , Michaela asks .

"Just grocery shopping .." , Eleanor says .

"Oh." , Michaela said . 

"Where's Caliah and the other one ?" , Eleanor asks . 

"Does it matter , they not here and "the other one's" name is Joy ." , Kiarra said .

"Okay , this is stupid! Why are you guys even talking to me ? Caliah hates me , and you guys hate me because she hates me ."

"Wait, no, lets back up . Firstly , we don't hate you , we're just not fond of your relevance or even your existence." , "And secondly , we don't like you cause of Caliah , we don't like cause you're a sneaky and shady bi-" Kiarra says and is interupted . 

"Kiarra stop , don't go there ." ,"We don't need to make a scene." , Michaela said . 

"Goodbye Eleanor ." Kiarra says while rolling her eyes . 

Kiarra and Michaela go find Caliah and Joy and they go checkout . The thought of Kiarra and Michaela telling Caliah that they saw Eleanor is still something that's up in the air and they don't know if they should tell her . Even though it wasn't a major situation , Caliah might freak . They are back to the house and they all are on the couch and now it's confession time .

"Caliah we have something to tell you ." , Michaela says .

"What?" , Caliah asks looking confused .

"We saw Eleanor today at the store ." , Kiarra says . 

"Eleanor who ?" , Caliah asks in an astonished tone .

"Kyle's Eleanor ." , Michaela said .

"You're lying ?" , Caliah asks in disbelief .

"No, we're serious." , Kiarra said .

"Wow , what happened ? What did yall do ?" , Caliah asks in a disgusted voice . 

"We went up to her making small talk  and she ask where you were , and I was like does it matter . Then she was like why were even talking to her and she said that you hate her and we hate her cause you do ." , " Then I was like firstly we don't hate you , we jsut don't like your relevance and secondly we don't like you because of Caliah , we  don't like you because your a sneaky and shady bi- and that's when Michaela cut me off." , Kiarra said .

"Then I was like , Kiarra stop , we don't need a scene and then we left to get y'all." , Michaela said . 

"You should've let her say the word ." , Joy said .

"Don't encourage the cussing . And why didn't y'all call me over there ?" , Caliah said .

"Cause if we would've called you , there would've been too many words shared and then we would've got kicked out of the store because you would've beaten her behind ." , Michaela said . 

"You right , but she's irrelevant for the rest of the night . I just want to go out and fun with the guys now . So let's go get ready ." , Caliah says . 

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