"Okay, so, I'll start cause I remember it now," Kendra says.

Barry grabs a hold of my hand, squeezing it in comfort. I grab our hands with my other hand as she starts. "In our first life, we had a bird made out of fire- a Phoenix."

"The bennu," Carter said. "It represented the soul of the sun."

"Once the bird died out for good and didn't come back..." Kendra explains. "We were given the job to take the ashes with us and let them find its way to a new soul."

"We've been doing it for centuries," Carter explained. "Letting the spirit and souls of the bennu live on. We didn't realize it was living on inside you."

"What?!" I ask after a long pause. "I'm a- Wait wha- Huh?!"

"We've been taking the ashes of the bennu after it dies in every lifetime and letting it find a new soul to live in. It chose you," Carter explains.

"It saw a light in you- or rather chose to be the light in you and chose to live through you," Kendra says.

"Well I'm honored but it's um- difficult," I say. "And um- I just died for a second time..." I trail off. "And I don't feel any sort of bloodlust, which is weird cause I did feel something when it happened the first time."

"Yeah," Carter nods with a sigh. "The first time is usually pretty easy to get through but it's also noticeable..."

"In the second time, your bloodlust may not appear until weeks or months after your death," Kendra says. "But when it does appear, it's much worse."

"I just need a little help to control it, when it does happen," I say.

"Well, so you know about the anchor thing?" Kendra asks as Me and Barry nod, looking at each other.

"The best we can tell you is to stay near your anchor," Carter says. "Which- it seems like you won't need help with that."

We chuckle and I ask, "Anything else?"

"Just try to learn how to control your powers. Your powers are linked to your emotions," Carter says. "Control both, you'll be fine."

I nod. "What about dying? Like permanently? There has to be a way of the- the bennu- moves from person to person," I ask.

"There will come a time, when you lose these powers. When you will once again become mortal. Once that happens, you'll be able to die as normal," Carter explains.

"But when will that happen? What would cause it to leave?" I ask.

Kendra and Carter share a look. "We're not sure. That's always been an unknown part of it," Kendra says. "We'll continue doing research to find a reason if it's possible."

"Thank you, guys," I tell them.

"You're so very welcome," Kendra says. "And call us when you need help with anything at all. We'll be here to help."


"Well, that was something," Harry says as we walk back into the Cortex after dropping Kendra and Carter off. "Hope you got your answers."

"I did," I say, "I'm a little nervous about my bloodlust... but right now, Honestly? I'm too tired to talk about it."

"Zoom really drained the both of you," Harry says, looking at me and Barry. Barry was leaning against the desk and I was leaning against him. "I'm surprised you two aren't sleeping the day away."

"We would be," Barry says. "If you hadn't woken us up."

"Okay," I say giving him a look. I then turn to Harry. "Sorry. He's just cranky cause he's tired... We'll see you tomorrow Harry."

He nods giving us a smile as I pull Barry out of the Cortex with me. "Come on," I say, as he leans against the wall of the hallway. "Let's get home, and we can sleep. Okay?"

"Mmhmm," He nods sleepily. He gives me a kiss, his hands wrapping around my waist. I kiss him back, my arms going around his neck. I pull away from him when his hands started to slip under my shirt.

"I thought you were sleepy?" I ask him with a chuckle.

"I was, but- that kiss woke me right up," He says as I laugh.

"Come on, let's go home," I say. "We're staying in bed all day... doesn't matter what we do in it."

He smiles. "Come on," He says.

 "Come on," He says

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