What was that?!

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  "Karin!" my best friend Ersia called from outside the house. You see, I've been living alone since I was 11, since both my parents are working overseas and rarely get to visit. At least they get to send me some of the money they earn and some gifts.

  "What is it?" I mumbled to myself, groaning as I got off the bed. Ersia was like my personal living alarm clock because I couldn't even hear any of the alarms from my phone even in full volume. But Ersia's voice I could, since she makes her voice sound really scary that I would always think I'm being attacked; but not today.

  I've had a weird dream, and I think it was because I found Hiroto and the floating petals scene familiar. Both were in my dream, and it actually seemed like I knew that boy! It got fuzzy when I woke up, so I strained to remember, completely forgetting about my best friend.

  "Hey Karin! What do you say I go inside that room and scare you to death??" Ersia said in the creepiest voice I've ever heard, and it actually made me jump and make my head hit the shelf I always keep my lanterns on.

  And when I bumped my head, a sudden flash of cherry blossoms flying through the spring wind went past my eyes, followed by the sad smile of a red headed boy.

  "Karin!!!" my friend Ersia called again, and this time I answered. "What is it?"

  "Remember that you told me we were going to the bookstore today? So we can get the supplies for our Art?"

  "O-oh yeah! Be right with you!" I totally rushed in dressing up and  brushing my teeth. And for one moment, as soon as I rushed out the door and remembered my strange dream, I stopped and asked, "What was that?"

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