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ALEX KNOCKED ON Stiles's door, hearing the footsteps of her best friend inside the house, as he arrived at the door.

Stiles opened the door, smiling when he saw Alex. "Right on time. Come in."

"Always." Alex spoke with a smirk as she walked in, Stiles closing the door as he went to sit with his dad, Alex following.

"Hi Alex." Noah Stilinski nodded once.

"Hi Sheriff." Alex smiled. "Did I interrupt something...."

"Nope, we were just eating. Uh, do you want some food?" Stiles offered.

"No thanks, I ate before I came here." Alex shook her head.

"What is this?" Noah asked with a frown as he took a bite of his burger.

"Veggie burger." Stiles replied simply.

"Stiles, I asked for a hamburger." Noah frowned at his son.

"Well veggie is healthier." Stiles replied, looking at his dad as he pulled out a salad. "We're being healthy."

Alex smiled, trying not to laugh at their bickering.

Sheriff Stilinski opened what was meant to hold his fries, but found celery and carrots instead. "Oh, hell, why are you trying to ruin my life?"

Stiles was fed up with his dad's complaining. "I'm trying to extend your life, okay? Could you just eat it please? And tell me what you've found."

"No, I'm not sharing confidential police work with a teenager." Noah replied, Alex and Stiles looking at the board behind Noah.

"Is that it on the board behind you?" Stiles asked, Noah quickly glancing at the board.

"Don't look at that." Noah replied.

"Alright." Stiles replied, trying not to look at the board.

"Avert your eyes." Noah spoke as Stiles and Alex kept trying to look.

"I see...arrows pointing at pictures..." Stiles replied, trying to get his dad to tell him.

"Fine!" Noah exclaimed, but then looked at Alex.

"Oh...sorry, I'll just...be in the other room..." Alex cleared her throat, pushing out her chair and standing up, walking to another room. Stiles didn't stop her, as he knew she was listening.

"I found something. Mechanic, and the couple who were murdered. They all had something in common." Noah started, Alex frowning from the other room.

"All three?" Stiles questioned.

"Yeah." Noah replied. "You know what I always say. One's an incident. Two's coincidence..."

"Three's a pattern." Stiles finished.

"The mechanic, the husband, the wife. All the same age. All twenty four." Noah spoke.

"Wait, what about Mr Lahey?" Stiles asked what Alex was thinking. "Isaac's dad wasn't anywhere near twenty four."

"Which made me think that either 'a,' Lahey's murder wasn't connected, or 'b,' the ages were a coincidence, until I found this, which would be 'c.'" Noah added, handing Stiles a folder, Alex cursing quietly.

"Did you know that Isaac Lahey had an older brother named Cameron?" Noah spoke, confirming what Alex couldn't see.

"Died in combat." Stiles read.

"But if he were alive today, take one guess as to how old he'd be." Noah replied.

"Twenty four." Alex whispered at the same time as Stiles spoke.

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