Everything in this process was manual, no tech, just latches and levers.

The glider activated smoothly. He did a wide circle around the castle as he slowed his decent with the thick carbon fiber membrane that was stretched between his arms and legs similar to a wing-suit.

It wasn't until he attempted to release the parachute that he ran into problems.

Something was jammed, the heavy mist in the cool air was causing one of joints to stick. It looked like he was going to have a rough landing. He also had a plan for that too, well, he will within the next minute or two.


After a little over three weeks of school, Peter's body was getting accustomed to the sleep schedule. He didn't wake up unreasonably early that morning and walked down to breakfast with Draco, Crabe, and Goyle after they all got ready.

His fourth roommate, Blaise Zabini, was not a huge fan of Peter. They quietly didn't get along, and Peter had heard from Draco that he had major prejudice against muggle borns and blood traitors.

At one point Draco offhandedly mentioned that Zabini had commented on Draco getting too close to blood traitor statics then a true pure blood should be comfortable with. Peter couldn't help but show some worry towards this.

Yeah, he wanted to take the prejudice out of Draco and even if everyone he knew weren't really his friends, he didn't want to isolate Draco from the only people he was familiar with. Pure Bloods were very tight knit since they liked to stick together.

Draco quickly assured Peter that Zabini was a pompous prat who already thought he was better than most pure-bloods.

He and Draco were slowly growing as friends. He also seemed to be making an effort not to harass the trio. It took Harry and Ron about two weeks to notice the reduced number of insults from Draco, and Hermione less then two days. Peter and Hermione had a wager on who would notice first, both lost on account of the boys noticing at the same time.

He did show his webbing to the twins, they thought it was absolutely brilliant, and to their word they kept quiet about it, but that didn't stop them from trying to incorporate it into their stock of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. No matter how many times they asked Peter would always refuses. They soon gave up and started their attempts to create their own version. Lets just say it still needs a lot of work and Peter doubted they'd ever be able to swing from it since it was just a sticky mess of goo at this point.

The trio were told of Peter's powers, they already knew about the spider sense so it was only logical to tell the rest. Hermione was skeptical, but after a quick trip to the forbidden forest and a demonstration of his strength and wall climbing they were convinced.

Ned and MJ weren't... entirely happy to find out about his spider abilities so late. MJ sent a howler. Luckily Vader was kind enough to warn him and not give it until they were somewhere the howler wouldn't be overheard. MJ definitely gave him a piece of her mind before altering his 'Lessons for Losers' to better fit his fighting style. He was just glad she wasn't forcing him to learn anymore wandless spells.

That Saturday looked like it was going to be a calm one, most students had filed into the great hall by now but it still wasn't nearly as full as it would have been on a normal school day, a lot of people were taking the opportunity to sleep in.

"Me, Crab, and Goyle were thinking about heading into Hogsmeade today, you want to join us?" Draco asked. It sounded like a halfhearted request like it hardly mattered whether or not Peter joined them, but Peter had been picking up on a lot of Draco's mannerisms. Usually the more he wanted something the less he sounded like he cared.

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