magnum opus

62 13 9

you are everything to me; everything that there ever is and ever was

you are a star dipped in reds, yellows, blues, an enigma of vanilla perfume and coral sunset lip gloss ( you transfix me and leave me flying on a cloud of feelings that smell like your hair )

you are the taste of cherry cheesecake and forbidden fruits when i come home with tears wetting my cheeks after another shitty day

you are all those dusks and dawns spent under the stars, our toes curling around cool sand and lovelorn promises

you are the moonlit kisses i always loved to sneak in when you weren't looking, the gentle pecks on your nose, cheeks, lips because i wanted to taste the stardust that flushes your cheeks that gorgeous shade of raspberry

you are the reason i go to bed smiling

the reason i get up in the morning

my sun

my lifeline

my masterpiece.

vminiies you literally had to say one word and my brain decided it would make a whole poem out of it ((: thank you for giving me unconscious inspiration teehee

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