a spun sugar future

87 22 15

she's a bubblegum girl

living a bubblegum dream

syrup pours from her mouth

in a bubblegum stream

she smiles a bubblegum smile

brushes her bubblegum hair

eats bubblegum fruit

breathes bubblegum air

isn't life sweet?

all cotton candy hues

her mouth is stained crimson

her eyes sparkling blue

then the sugar got burnt

the fruit sour with time

the smile got unstitched

the words ceased to rhyme

suddenly, she wakes up of bed and feels like screaming

the roses have wilted so quickly,

caustic petals filling her throat and her lungs and her mouth until she can't breathe

the ocean in her eyes has drained into her heart and now she's drowning from the inside out

bubblegum sunsets bleed into achromic dawns

and now each day is just a nightmare

wake up, forget to dream, crash back into the waves when the sky gets dark ( cup half empty )

a tuneless song on repeat

some days she wakes up with pain blossoming from her lips

a heart that hangs heavy with the weight of tears she's too young to carry

she starts caring too much, laughing too little,

and her cup of life is draining away

( this is a terminal illness

a withered down cup

it's a common affliction

that they call growing up )

yeah i can't rhyme

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