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The City of Townsville,a magical town full of wonder and excitement,and hey,speaking of magic,what's going on at the old Townsville magic theater,let's take a look

"What a wonderful day it is to have a celebration!Have I ever told the story of this old theater," the Mayor asked the girls as Y/n stood by Ms.Bellum who ruffled his hair,Y/n just started down at his feet deep in thought about something,not paying attention."Poor Alusia (?),poor theater," the Mayor said sadly as he took off his hat in respect,Y/n was caught out of his trance by Buttercup elbowing him,Y/n being Y/n didn't know what was going on so he copied them as he bowed his head.....but not without giving Buttercup the proper death glare.

"Oh well,let the festivities begin!Yay!" The Mayor yelled as he cheered on the people using the machines to wreck the building.

Y/n held the urge not to steal a machine and bash everything,Ms.Bellum lightly placed her hand on his shoulder once again sending Y/n into his own little mind (so someone pm me and told me was the chapters linked and I said yes,so is the mysterious things happening to You the reader,but you won't figure that out until later,but I am leaving clues).

                  [Time Skip]
Y/n cringed at the girls screaming over a zombie movie,being a VERY close friend with the girls (not love close but we're slowly getting there),Y/n spent the night over their house frequently,why not his house?Let's just say Y/n 'Loves' his family."This movie I give a five!.......out of one hundred," Y/n said flatly sipping from his apple juice carton (You apparently have a apple juice obsession).

The girls were shaking from fear,nearly clenching onto Y/n almost litterly cutting off his blood flow,Y/n tried not to give them a piece of his mind,luckily they zoomed under the couch cushion when they heard a noise,of course Y/n didn't care,at least,he cared a little.

"What was that?" Blossom asked,"I think it was a Zombie," Bubbles replied.

Y/n almost choked on his juice,then snorted from choking and laughing at the same time.

"Cut it out Bubbles there's no such thing as zombies," Buttercup stated as Y/n continued to wheeze,but then stopped when Bubbles hit him on the head,for some reason it didn't hurt,most of been because you and the girls new each other from when the girls were created.You guys weren't exactly the 'play nice and careful' type,more like the 'be rough toll your limit' type,and believe me it would take a whole lot of pain,only emotionally,to bring Y/n down.Screaming was heard,Y/n got up and ran (when I say ran before race that means you are running like a normal kid) outside as he quickly started to speed to town before the girls would come out and see him,when he got there what he saw was amazing yet terrifying.

Oh no!It's Alusia,he's returned from the grave as Abraca Zombie!

"You lefted me,but now revenge!" The zombie,Alusia,stated using his magic to zap two people who were dating into cards,he then zapped more people and things making them related to his magic tricks,this caused a catastrophe,Y/n had witnessed the whole thing and had recorded it strong it for later.Alusia was making everything seem like a magic show,he then turned Y/n into a bunny,"Sweet," Y/n said not caring if he looked half dead and careless,he randomly pulled out a carrot and started to munch on it.

Y/n watched as Blossom was slowly hypnotized,Buttercup punched the zombie only to be sticking in a box being cut in half by a saw,while Bubbles was trapped in a bag and thrown in the water.

Y/n watched as Alusia took out tied clothes wrapped it around Blossom and started to spin her close to a spikey doom,he was acting  like she was a yoyo,realing her in then out getting closer and closer,Y/n had watched in horror as it 'inclosed' on Blossom,for once in his life tears started to unwillingly slip.Pools of it,Y/n was angry as he threw his carrot at Alusia making a..


He lept and screeched as he clawed his face then jumped away as Blossom appeared.Y/n tensed,Blossom then saved her sisters as everyone cheered for Blossom.Y/n was then back to normal,by now Y/n was back to normal his face Neutral but with puffy pink eyes."But girls,how did you do it?" The Mayor asked flabbergasted,"It's magic!" The girls said in a unison,"I'd like to show you a magic trick," Y/n mumbled angrily to himself as he balled his fist,knuckles cracking loudly,Ms.Bellum ruffled Y/n's hair which sent him in a trance in his own thoughts,which may I add were not pretty,Ms.Bellum always knew when Y/n was about to have a cow.

"Y/n why are your eyes puffy?" Bubbles asked,"Aw Y/n cried for me!" Blossom teased as Y/n snapped out of his trance as Buttercup said," not so tough now crybaby,you missed Blossom," Buttercup added with a bit of tease and slight....Jealousy?

Y/n paused before snorting in laughter turning around and leaving obviously denying it.

But,wha-,how?!Oh girls,I love that voodoo that you do,and it's ok to cry Y/n *gets hit by frying pan* b-because once again the day is saved T-Thanks to the powerpuff girls!AND Y/N!

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