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Tord sat at a desk, working on documents.

Suddenly, he was in his office. It was empty. No desk, no chairs, no paintings of lonesome boats hung tilted on the wall.


He couldn't move.

A large black mass suddenly filled his field of view.

The monster.

He watched as a montage-like scene played in front of him, with the monster swiping left and right, killing dozens.

Suddenly, the monster stood still.

Tord could move now. He shook his hands to get rid of the feeling of numbness, and was utterly shocked when the beast sat down and shook its two front paws in unison with Tord.

Tord paused.

He raised his right arm over his head. The beast copied him. He kicked out his left foot. The beast stood and did the same.

Tord woke up with a gasp, shooting straight up.

His vision was dark.

I can't see. I can't fucking see. Oh god ohno ohnogodnonono, he thought frantically, reaching for his eyes.

Tord sighed heavily with relief when he felt thick bandages covering his eyes.

Why...? Tord thought, before the memories of what happened flooded his head. Training. Tom. Monster. Tom was right. He really couldn't control it. Tord stiffened slightly when he remembered how the monsters claws raked his face effortlessly.

If only he could control that thing. It would be perfect on the battlefield.




His dream.

Tord had dreamed about controlling the beast. Maybe...maybe he could do the same in real life.

An idea popped into his head.


Tom woke up with a pounding headache.

He groaned and sat up, only to be greeted with cold darkness. He put a hand to his face to make sure that nothing covered his eyes when he felt a dull pain on his head. A bruise.

Great. Where did this even come from?! Tom thought angrily.

But there were other things to worry about. Like why the lights were off.

Maybe I just woke up in the middle of the 'night', Tom thought.

Until he heard a growl.

"What are you?" a voice asked, sounding full of rage.

Tom stayed silent.

"Why are you in my cell? I could really just tear you to shreds now if I wanted. But I won't. Because you seem to have some use to me."

Tom stayed silent.

"I know they throw in D-Class in here every once in a while to pester me, but I can sense something about you. Something different."

"What does that mean?" Tom asked, voice barely above a whisper.

"They only toss in D-Class when the lights are on. As you may or may not be able to see, the lights are off." The voice growled, making a sort of slithering sound in the dark.



"Who are you?" Tom asked, his voice only quavering slightly. Whoever was with him gave a sinister laugh, accompanied by what sounded like a tail slapping the ground.

"More like what am I!" the beast chortled, "Those horrid flesh sacks call me SCP-682, or Hard To Kill Reptile, or bastard who won't cooperate. Sometimes they call me Keter, whatever that nonsense means. I just want to rip the heads off of those annoying meat bags."

"So if you can kill me now, why haven't you done so yet?" Tom asked, genuinely confused as to why this thing hadn't ended his life yet.

"Something about you... I can tell you aren't a human, you're a monster. I want to get out of this stupid place, and you could help me." 682 continued.

"You think you can get out?"

"Yes, I have breached my containment a multitude of times. Could you turn into that monster now? You are extremely annoying."

"Uhm.. okay then.." Tom tried letting the horrid and dark thoughts consume him, but nothing happened.

He tried to force the voice to speak, but it stayed silent.

Shit, Tom thought silently, I'm so damn useless I can't even force the stupid monster to come out, great.

"You're taking too long. I'm gonna eat you now."

The beats ran forward abruptly, rapidly approaching Tom. Its nose slammed into him, pinning him against a wall.

Tom screamed in pain, batting at the 682's nose weakly. 682 flicked its nose up, launching Tom into the air. Tom slammed into the ceiling of the cell with a groan, hoping his hair would lodge in the ceiling and keep him out of harm's way.

It didn't.

Tom dropped down, the beast leaping up and smacking him out of the air. Tom smashed into the cold, unforgiving floor, continuing to yell and cry out in pain.

Suddenly, Tom felt something happen to him.


Tom looked through the singular eye of the monster, staring down at 682.

"Ah, now that your in that form, the useful one, now I won't try and kill yo-" 682 was cut off by Tom.

"You think I'll forgive you?!" he yelled, but all that came out was an ear-shattering roar.

He stood on his hind two legs, making himself taller, raised his powerful claws and brought them down on 682's head, slamming it into the floor with a satisfying crack. He picked up 682 in his jaws and swung his head violently, bits and pieces flying off 682. Tom opened his jaws and let 682 go flying into one of the cell walls.

682 stayed down, large hunks and limbs missing from its body. Tom roared once again in triumph, walking over to 682 and sitting on the unmoving body, to ensure it wouldn't get up once more.

Time ticked by and 682 didn't move, and neither did Tom. Eventually, Tom grew tired from the immense movement, and started to drift off.

Then he remembered he was still in monster form.

Then he remembered that he controlled the monster.


This was a problem.

Notes: 5043 may be able to eliminate 682

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