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Tom sat up with a gasp.

He then immediately regretted it because of the rush of pain in his head. He slowly lowered himself back down on to the cold floor he was sitting on.

Where am I?  he thought.

From what he could see, he was in a relatively large room with concrete walls and floors. On the wall adjacent to where he was, he could see 2 large glass panels in the wall, side by side. In one corner close the glass, a large slab of meat was sitting in a puddle of what Tom could only assume to be blood.

Tom decided to sit up again, slowly. He saw figures and shadows moving behind the glass. He looked down at himself, not sure what to expect.

He quickly look away when his eyes met a bright orange jumpsuit that caused his head to pound. He stood up slowly, taking in more of his surroundings.

The whole place smelled like a hospital, but even cleaner. He almost gagged at the smell. He looked down again, expecting something different.


Same bright and horrible jumpsuit. He felt it, rough and scratchy. Near his chest was something hard.

A nameplate.

Tom pulled the orange jumpsuit away from him to get a better look. SCP-5043, the plate said.

SCP? Tom thought.

Where had he heard that before? It seemed so familiar, yet so...not.

He recalled what had happened earlier. A forest, monster, rocks, no way out... that bastard who shot him.

Memories swam around in head like fish, so close then slipping away. Something about a net and a van, thundering boots all around him, suddenly feeling very tired. He decided to go to window to see if could ask someone some questions. Tom pressed his face up against the glass and wasn't surprised when he didn't see anything but shadows.

Something told him to get away from the window.

He needed togetawayfromTHEWINDOWNOWNOWNOW

Tom fell to the floor, scrambling to get away.

When the feeling subsided, he found himself lying on the floor, breathing hard.

What gave him that feeling?

Tom sat up and searched the room, looking for the thing that gave the sudden feeling of urgency. He stopped when he noticed a camera in the corner of the room, covered by protective glass. He got to his feet and stumbled over to the camera, staring intently at it. Who was watching him? Why were they watching him?

Because you are a murderer~ The voice hissed in his ear.

Bad sign.

"Go away. Now." Tom said quietly.

What? You think I'll leave because you told me so? The voice howled with laughter.


Begging won't help you. It didn't help those poor children. They had a future. You took their future away.

He could feel the pang of hunger in his stomach.

How long had it been? He noticed the shadows behind the glass had stopped moving.

He needed to eat.

The monster needed to eat.

Tom glanced at the meat in the corner. How did they know? He reached up to hold his head, the pounding inside it growing stronger. The voice continued with taunts and insults.

You need to die. You are a murderer. You killed them for your own selfish needs. You should end your miserable existence to keep them safe. You don't deserve to live! Murderer. You're a horrible person. Just die already.

The thoughts got louder and louder, engulfing Tom's head entirely. He felt the blood run down his forehead from digging his nails into his head. Tom's nails got sharper and turned black. The blackness grew over him, swallowing his body. His bones snapped and reformed into it. Purple fur sprouted on his neck and chest. Horns erupted from his temples. His two black eyes formed into one and turned purple. His nose elongated and razor sharp teeth sprouted in his mouth.

It was complete.

In Tom's place, a massive beast stood.

It let out a deafening roar and ran forwards into the glass.


The beast's horns scraped and screeched across the surface as it tried to get to the people behind the glass.

It gave up and sniffed the air. The smell of the meat instantly filled it's nostrils and it bolted to the corner. The monster ate ravenously, spraying chunks of meat and blood around it. The creature didn't go away until every last drop of blood and hunk of meat had been consumed.

Only then did it lay down and start to shrink back into Tom. Tom opened his eyes to see his own body and groaned.

Everything hurts.

Why couldn't he just be normal?

He lay there, motionless, until his head stopped spinning so violently. He then got up and trudged over to a corner, one that was out of sight from the glass.

Then he laid down, curled up, and cried.

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