Barbera in danger...

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           As she cryed Walter heard a noise."Barbera get up and stand behind me.",He urged.She stood up and hid behind his wings."What's happening Walt?!"She asked.He signalled her to be quiet.
         "Stricklander we told you not to get to connected with someone remember you parents.We aren't stupid we smelt the fleshlings scent on you.",Bular growled."Strickler we are going to kill her with our bare hands like your parents.",Nomura hissed.
              "NO YOU WONT LAY A FINGER ON HER!!!!",He roared angrie."Changelings get to attached to someone and protect them with there life.Thats why Nomura has ever been with someone.Each changeling has to have no feeling no emotion but you Stricklander your a the most impurest IMPURE.
           You think you have emotion and love you don't your garbage no one will ever love you.",Bular yelled.Nomure held out her swords.A goblin sat in a tree and held a crossbow toard Walter.Bular pulled his swords out.Walter turned around and held Barbera flying at full speed.The goblin shot the crossbow and hit Walter."ahhh",He groaned in pain
                Bular shot and arrow and it hit Walter making him shoot down."Barbera if I don't make it RUN.",He commanded.She nodded crying as he wrapped up around her prepared for impact on the ground."I love you Barbera.",He said before they got the ground.
          Walter lay motionless but still is breathing."Walter I love you to but your alive!!",She cryed."Shh they'll find us *He groaned* I can make it home.They flew home and Walter flopped on the couch.He groaned.
           "Thank you Walt you saved my life.",She said.She patched him up and kissed his face.He kissed her back.She kissed him on the lips and held it."Barbera it's no problem what Nomura said was right Changelings get to attached and never leave that things side.",He stated."I know that's why I love you Walter and I always will.",She promised.
        He kissed her hand.They went upstairs to rest.Walter layed down spreading his wings.Barbera slept right next to him.He squeezed her close wrapping her in his wings.He cuddled her close.She slept soundly.Walter looked up and remembered his parents.
           Remembering Bular brutality he realized he needed to end Bular and GUNMAR.He remembered He was the troll hunter he must protect all humans and trolls he needs to do his job he thought.I must protect Barbera the family we will create and all life forms here.He sighed with this heavy load on his shoulders.
             He kissed the top of her head.He put his nose on her forehead.He remembered she is the only one he has left.Walter you must protect her he thought.Sighinh one last time he thought happy things.What if we ever do have a child together.He shook his head.
              That won't happen anytime soon he thought.He chuckled in his head.Walter realized how happy he was he was the happyest he had been since his parents were killed by Bular.His brutality was unbearable.Walter got washed over by sleep and rested comfortably next to Barbera.

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