The last battle

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                Walter woke up He kissed his wife's  head and told his son goodbye hopefully for now and set off to trollmarket.He walked into trollmarket in his troll form.He said the chant and his armour strapped on his body even while he was in his troll form."Bular Gunmar I'm here to fight you!!!!",He yelled."Finnally an IMPURE..You challenge Bular and Gunmar the black",They both roared slashing their swords.
         Walter put his sword through them both and coughed blood.Trollmarket cheered.He coughed blood and left.It was nightfall as he flew home he got dizzy and crashed on his own doorstep his son opened the door."PAPA.",Charley cried.Papa he said again.Barbera ran out and grabbed onto Walter and cried holding her son.
            "I'm alive just hurting.",Walter coughed and took his armour off and held his troll son and human wife.

                      After the battle

               Barbera stood nexted to her son husband and wife.They held each other's hands and lived together growing and loving each other.Never leaveing each other .Bonded together.


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