"Uh... This is Rose. She's my best friend and joined me on the trip." Ben introduced Rose.

"Hi." Rose waved slightly. "What are your names?"

"Rose. This is Jay, Carlos, and Evie." Ben pointed them out to Rose.

"Well it's very nice to meet you." Rose told them with a smile.

"You too." Jay said being flirty.

"So are you all ready to go?" Ben stepped in.

"Yeah I guess so." Jay shrugged and looked back at the other two and they shrugged too.

"Then let's head out." Ben turned around with Rose on his arm to the limo and the three followed with the guard walking behind them.

They all got into the car and looked at the candy.

"Go ahead have as much as you want." Ben told them.

They smiled at each other, then they dug into the candy.

"So what's so special about us?" Jay asked.

"Excuse me?" Ben replied looking up at Jay.

"He means why did you choose us?" Evie repeated.

"Oh. Well I found you three and decided I should give you three a chance. If all goes well I will bring more over." Ben answered explaining.

"Oh." Jay leaned back nodding.

They pulled up to Auradon and the driver opened the door for them.

"Welcome to Auradon." Ben announced.

"Wow. This place is amazing." Evie spinning.

"I guess those are the new kids." Audrey said to Mal. "Mal? Mal? You okay?"

"I think I know them." Mal responded.

"What? How?" Audrey looked at her confused.

"What? No I saw someone else that I think I know. Not those three. Anyways I should go." Mal replied, then left.

Later Mal got into her room and saw Jane packing up.

"Jane? What are you doing?" Mal wondered.

"Since I'm working with Ben. They're giving my own private room. And the new girl is moving in here." Jane explained.

"Wait what?!" Mal said as Jane was carrying a bag and walked out.

"Is this my room?" Evie asked walking in.

"Yeah." Mal answered not looking over.

"Okay good." Evie put her bag on the bed. "Hi I'm Evie." She walked over to Mal.

"Hi." Mal was about to say her name.

"Mal?! Mal is that actually you?!" Evie was freaking out.

"Yes it's me, but you can't tell anyone. If they find out I'm actually from the isle. They'll send me back." Mal told Evie.

"Okay I won't tell anyone, but we all thought you were dead." Evie replied.

"I know." Mal nodded. "I'm sorry how I just left you." Mal said.

"It's okay. I became better friends with Jay and Carlos." Evie responded.

"Well that's good. I would like to see them again." Mal said.

"Yeah. So what have you been doing here?" Evie replied and wondered.

"Well I was dating and got engaged to the king." Mal started.

"What do you mean by 'was'?" Evie asked doing air quotes. 

"I broke up with him the other day." Mal answered.

"Why?" Evie asked shocked.

"That's a story for another time." Mal replied. "But hey let me help you set up." 

"So this is our room?" Jay asked opening the door.

"Guess so." Carlos replied. "Hey did you see that girl standing behind the limo. She looked familiar."

"Familiar how?" Jay wondered.

"She looked like Mal." Carlos added.

"I thought they said Mal died?" Jay asked.

"But what if she didn't? What if she escape and has been living here?" Carlos suggested.

"Well there's only one way to find out." Jay stated.

Mal was helping Evie set up when they heard a knock at the door.

"Evie? You in there? We need to talk to you about something." They heard from outside the door.

In loving memory of 

Cameron Boyce


Bring Her Home (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now