chapter one: reality in motion

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year: 1985

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year: 1985


"YOU REALLY CAN'T GET me out of this? I mean this is absurd, I shouldn't be seen going to school on the weekends. I have better things to do. I have dates of importance! Dates of important things!" Nancy begged one more time as she glanced at the school's front entrance. "Well, honey; shopping instead of attending class doesn't help your case now does it?" Her dad said as he put the car in park while reading one of the books that he brought from home. Nancy looked at her dad with a raised eyebrow, then waving her hand and snapping at his direction; and to her surprise, no reaction. He was completely ignoring her or didn't care at all. Nancy sighed in defeat, stepping out of the car and grabbing her large purse, shutting the door with a slam. "Have fun sweetie." Her dad yelled back at her with a monotone expression as he drove away. Nancy sighed to herself; her mind telling her it's going to be a long day already.

Joyce pulled up, obviously disappointed at dropping off Johnathan at school on a weekend. "Is this the first or last time doing this?" She scolded. She obviously loves her son, but she wouldn't think he would be stupid enough to get himself in weekend detention. "Last. I promise." Johnathan muttered. Joyce sighed. "Well, now make the most of the time being in there. I hope I don't get another call okay Johnathan?" She scolded once more as Johnathan closed the door of the car as he stepped out, nodding tiredly. "Johnathan wait!" His little brother Will, who sat in the backseat shouted before he left the car. Rolling down the window, he gave Johnathan back one of his tapes. "I wanted to give it back to you before I forgot." Will said, handing it back with a small smile. "Thanks, Will." The gesture made Johnathan feel a momentary relief, as his kid brother knew how to find a way to make him smile; even through the worst times. Joyce yelled out a few motherly scolds before driving off with a wave goodbye from Will. Johnathan can already feel the long day ahead.

"Look, it's not my fault the principle has a weak sense of humour!" Ophelia ranted in the car. "Well, you just have to remember to keep your mouth shut, how about that Ophelia?" Her mom shot back angrily. "This is beyond stupid. I thought you'd be on my side." She quickly exited out the car and shut the door with a hard slam. "Hey, I am on your side, until you had to escalate the situation further." She said, rolling the windows down to face her daughter. "Yeah." Ophelia tiredly said; walking away from the car and to the steps of the school. "Ophelia, don't forget your lunch!" Her mom yelled back, throwing a plastic Walmart bag towards her out of the car window. "Thanks." She frustratingly said as her mom quickly sped off without a goodbye—leaving her lunch on the pavement in the bag. Ophelia rolled her eyes annoyingly as she picked up the bag and walked into the school she called hell most of the time. "What a day already." She muttered to herself sarcastically.

"Hey, we all screw up. I screwed up tons of times when I was a kid, but the difference between you and I Steve is that you got caught; which was stupid of you." Steve's dad said as they parked right in from of the school. "Yeah, yeah I know dad. Mom already gave this lecture to me—" Steve annoyingly brushed off, but was quickly cut off by his father. "You wanna lose your rep around the school? You wanna blow your one ticket to university? Because no school would want to babysit a discipline case!" Steve's dad barked along as Steve just rolled his eyes and exited the car. "Steve!" His dad called back once more. Obviously tired and annoyed, Steve sharply turned back at his scolding father. "What?" He yelled back, arms flailing about. "Don't mess this up again! Alright!?" He yelled from the wheel as he started the engine. "Whatever!" Steve just nodded as he walked into the front entrance of the school. "Can't this long day just end already??" Steve muttered to himself as he made his way up the school steps.

Billy walks towards the front entrance of the school; completely unfazed as a car almost runs him over. The screech of the tires doesn't make him flinch as he just dusts off his leather jacket and flicks his cigarette on the pavement and walks up to the steps of the school. Billy definitely would've ignored this whole idea of Saturday detention if it weren't for his dad. Because of this stupid detention, he couldn't drive his car for the remainder of the week and had to walk his kid sister Max to school every day. And, on top of that, it was either that or another beating from his old man. 'So much for getting a car', he thought. Although he dreaded not having his car, he slowly but secretly liked the company his kid sister had brought. He is an asshole to her, he can admit to that, but they grew to tolerate each other more and more that week and actually got to know she's cooler than he really thought. Sometimes he questioned why it took him so damn long to get along with her. He would never say it out loud but, he was getting along with her. She actually would've walked Billy to school but she went out with her group of friends to Starcourt mall, so he opted to walk alone. Billy can already feel the start of a shitty day get even shittier as he entered through the doors of the school.

"God, it's not big deal, I got this," Julia said, quickly getting out of the car and grabbing her backpack. "Remember sis; we'll pick you up just in time to show you Cerebro before nightfall!" Dustin yelled out the window as she reached the pavement steps at school. "Sounds exciting Dustin!" She yelled back happily to her little brother. He gave the biggest smile as their mother drove away. Julia would trade anything to not be at school for the love of anything holy. "Why do you have to be such an idiot?" She scolded herself as she basically dragged her backpack to the doors. She had to go all detective on school grounds and get caught. She knew there was something shady going on with the school, and the mayor, and the town and she was going to find the real truth. She stared at the Hawkins school sign in absolute annoyance and frustration. "Goddamn it." She yelled to herself before slinging her backpack over her shoulder and opening the door with much-angered force, as she can feel the long day already slowing down.

Her footsteps slammed onto the pavement as Robin quickly dodged several curbs and signs. Her feet carrying her as quickly as possible to Hawkins school grounds. With her bag almost spilling out it's contents and her unlaced combat boots, Robin's hair flew in the wind as she basically pranced her way to the school's entrance. "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! Shit! Shit! Shit!" She panted as the heavy slam of the metal doors echo throughput the hallways of the empty school. Robin stopped in the middle of the hallway, collecting her things back into her backpack. Taking a breath, she panted tiredly; feeling the surge of air back into her lungs. "I can't believe destroying that already ruined vending machine was caused all of this." And with that, she ran down the cream white hallways; slightly kicking the nearest vending machine in frustration.


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