She hadn't expected Stefan to follow them.

If anyone was to follow them, Roslyn would have expected it to be a furious Giuseppe.

Yet alas to her shock, stood Stefan Salvatore in all his glory, deep eyes soft and sympathetic.

Nodding, Roslyn sent him a small smile. "Yes, of course... I just-" She found herself pausing, her smile dampening distastefully.

Frowning in concern, Stefan gently placed a hand on her shoulder, encouraging and motioning for her to go on.

"I just fear the day I will not be there to protect her from him." She found herself saying, the words cold as she shivered at the thought.

Stefan quickly interrupted her, shaking his head. "I won't let anything happen to her, Roslyn. I promise."

She smiled sadly. "I know you wouldn't Stefan, but I'm not so sure about your brother." She admitted.

Roslyn was no fool, it was evident Damon detested her for replacing his mother.

Though he was not overly fond of his father, Roslyn had come to the conclusion that Damon must have had a very close relationship with his mother.

Unfortunately, Damon didn't only dislike herself, he seemed to not like Amelia.

She would often hear him making sly and cruel comments to Stefan or the staff, not only directed at herself, but at Amelia.

Evidently conflicted, Stefan licked his lips.

"Damon just finds it difficult..." Was all Stefan could come out with.

He could apologise for his brother's behaviour on his own behalf, but they both knew Damon would rather die than admit his own faults.

"So do you, yet you are kind to me and Amelia. You have made us feel nothing but welcome." Roslyn paused, shaking her head at the thought. "More so than your father."

Stefan seemed unsure of what to say as he licked his lips. 

"When my father told me and Damon he was to remarry, I dreaded the worse. I expected a cruel woman who would treat myself and Damon poorly, driving us away from our very own home."

She smothered a laugh. "I suppose I don't fit that description."

"No, instead I find my father's bride is a woman only a year my senior, who is beautiful and intelligent. And though many including my father just see a beautiful trophy, I do not see that. When I look into your eyes, Roslyn I see something different."

Roslyn felt her cheeks burnishing pink, unable to look away from Stefan's words as she spoke up, flustered and partly tongue tied. "What... What do you see?"

"I see someone with a kind heart, someone gentle and caring, someone who deserves better than my father."

Her eyes watered as his words cut her deeper than she wished to admit. Noticing this, Stefan frowned, taking a step forward and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I didn't mean to upset you."

She let out a breathy laugh, her voice shaky as she shook her head. There was little space between them, Stefan's large palm warm on her exposed shoulder.

"You didn't upset me, Stefan." She replied softly, her dark fan lashes wet.

Pausing, she couldn't help but hesitate. 

"It's nice to hear such kind words. My father sees me as nothing but a breeding mare, my ex-husband and your father see me as nothing but a pretty trophy. But you don't see me like that, Stefan. That gives me hope." Her words were soft and gentle as Stefan found himself inching closer, his palm moving to rest on her cheek.

He swallowed, his eyes flickering down to her lips. If he moved a step forward, his nose would be touching hers...

Before his lips could meet her, the sound of trotting horse hooves caught their attention, causing them to dart away.

Eyes widened and heart pounding, Roslyn could barely look towards Amelia who emerged from the stables, helmet on her head as she sat on the saddle of the small, chestnut pony.

Had herself and Stefan almost kissed? No, perhaps she was mistaken...

Amelia looked up, eyes lighting up at the sight of Stefan stood beside her mother.

"Stefan! Look, I'm riding Aida!" She shouted gleefully, giggling as the pony let out a huff of air.

Stefan's frown brightened, sending Amelia a smile. "I can see, you be careful up there."

Giggling, Amelia practically bounced atop of Aida. She seemed to have recovered swiftly from her timid mood after being scolded by Giuseppe, much to Roslyn's relief.

As the two of them watched Amelia strut around atop of the horse, all Roslyn could focus on was Stefan. Would he have kissed her? Surely not, he was the son of her husband.

Shaking the thought from her mind, Roslyn sent Amelia a beaming smile.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓, stefan salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now