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𝟏𝟖𝟔𝟐, 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬

With a forced smile that appeared more as a grimace than a smile on her delicate features, Roslyn tightly clutched Amelia's hand in her own, keeping the small blonde by her skirts as she stared at the man who was her husband to be

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With a forced smile that appeared more as a grimace than a smile on her delicate features, Roslyn tightly clutched Amelia's hand in her own, keeping the small blonde by her skirts as she stared at the man who was her husband to be.

Giuseppe Salvatore was a stern man, his face marred with wrinkles from age, and his hair beginning to turn a pepper grey.

He was over thirty-years her senior, the same age as her father, and older than her previous husband.

She supposed her father was right though, he seemed to be a respectable man, and she was fortunate to marry someone who would be willing to take in Amelia.

Though Giuseppe was considerate enough to allow his new bride to bring her daughter into his household, it didn't mean he would be kind to Amelia.

The thought of anyone harming her daughter made anger bubble up and fester deep within her.

Her darling Amelia. She was only three and mostly took after her mother rather than her father, much to Roslyn's relief.

William Forbes had been a cruel, shrewd man. He had never raised a hand to his wife or daughter, but he had always been controlling and intimidating.

He was a truly toxic man, just like her own father.

After William had passed away, Roslyn had been foolish enough to believe she had finally escaped her father's greedy clutches.

She had thought that with the money inherited from William, she would be able to leave Mystic Falls and settle elsewhere with her daughter, though that hadn't happened.

It seemed her father had seen her husband's death as an advantage, deciding to once again sell his daughter to the highest bidder.

At the age of seventeen, she was more than capable of bearing children and was very pretty; a good bride in many eyes.

Feeling her daughter's nervousness, Roslyn squeezed her hand comfortingly, smiling stiffly as she looked down the table.

Giuseppe had two sons, Damon, who was twenty-three years old and Stefan, who was sixteen, a year younger than herself.

"It's very nice to meet your children." Roslyn commented, her warm gaze drifting down a disinterested Damon and a frowning Stefan.

Though the thought brought a healthy blush to her cheeks, Roslyn couldn't help but admire the two young men who were going to be her stepsons.

They were both very handsome, leading Roslyn to the conclusion that Giuseppe, in his youth, must have been a handsome man.

Giuseppe nodded, taking a sip of his whiskey as the sound of forks scraping against china plates echoed down the table, making a shiver run down Amelia's spine.

Turning her attention to her daughter, Roslyn smiled, letting go off her hand.

Amelia instantly protested, catching everyone's attention as a loud whimper left her lips.

Giuseppe scowled at this but made no comment, in his opinion, children were to be seen, not heard. But the girl would soon learn, he would make sure of that.

Running a hand through Amelia's golden, unruly curls, Roslyn toyed with the pale pink bow as she smiled. "This is Amelia, she was three last week."

Stefan smiled at this as Amelia blushed, kicking her legs under the table as she sent Stefan a shy smile.

"I'm this many." She informed him quietly, holding up three sheepish fingers.

"Well aren't you a clever little Lady." Stefan spoke up, sending her a friendly smile, easing Amelia's anxieties.

Damon seemed bored as he continued to pick at his food, not glancing up at his father's new bride or the little girl by her side.

He would much rather the ground swallow him whole than be sitting at this dinner table...

Much like his son, Giuseppe seemed cold as he stared at the young girl. "Hmm."

"My mama says so too." Amelia admitted shyly, blushing as Roslyn smiled widely.

Leaning forward, Stefan placed his silverware on the table. "So, your birthday was last week?" He asked Amelia.

The three-year old nodded as Giuseppe took another sip from his glass. "What presents did you get for your birthday?' He asked politely as Amelia beamed at him.

Roslyn chuckled, stroking her daughter's hair as she began eagerly kicking her legs, her shiny black shoes catching the table briefly, making a loud banging sound.

Giuseppe once again bit his tongue as he moved the glass to his lips, not wanting to make any comments that would offend his new bride, not before they officially eloped.

"Grampa got me a doll and a new dress and mama got me a doll house, a rocking horse, and- and a locket-" The three-year-old shifted, fingers moving to pull the silver locket out from her dress neckline.

Practically sitting on the edge of her seat, Amelia opened the silver locket up.

Stefan narrowed his eyes, focusing on the small black and white picture that laid within its cold grasp.

A picture of Roslyn and Amelia together. Stefan smiled, he wished he had a picture of his mother.

"Wow! You got lots and lots then, and that locket is a special gift. It's very pretty." Stefan informed her, watching as Amelia suddenly grinned widely, showcasing her pearly whites.

Roslyn watched the interaction between the handsome Stefan and her sweet daughter.

Perhaps, just maybe, it wouldn't be so bad living with the Salvatore's.

Although Damon was rather quiet, Stefan seemed very kind and was patient with Amelia, who would most definitely take a shine to the younger brother-

"Can I have some silence please. That is too loud, not at my table." Giuseppe interrupted loudly, halting the conversation between Stefan and Amelia, causing Roslyn to frown.

Surprised by his sudden booming voice, Amelia jumped, shrinking into her mother's side as she laced her fingers with hers once again.

Frowning, Damon glanced up at his father but made no comment before he continued to eat his dinner.

Roslyn supressed the silent sigh that threatened to fall from her lips.

Would she be doomed to repeat the fate of her last marriage?

As Amelia shrunk into her side, one hand clutching the skirt of her dress, while the other was intertwined with hers, Roslyn let her gaze shift to her husband.

Who knew what fate had planned for them, but in Roslyn's experience, life was never plain sailing.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐓, stefan salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now