Chapter twelve

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Hello, here I am again with chapter twelve, in chapter eleven Jisung had kissed Key... But the whole group is not aware.

The evening was falling, Key had settled on the couch. It was more than twenty-two o'clock and the Stray Kids had just gone to bed. The young woman had been thoughtful for two days, since Jisung had kissed her. They hadn't stayed together since, Key didn't want the band members to know. But it was gonna be complicated since she was on vacation for two weeks.

The young woman startled when a sledgehammer came to sit next to her.

- Key.

-Jisung, she said, relieved.

- Did I scare you?

- Yes...

- Excuse me.

- It's Nothing, she whispered, lighting the lamp next to the sofa.

Key turned to him, the young rapper had a smile on his lips. He just wanted to spend time with her, he wanted to enjoy everyone going to bed. He passed his arm around his neck and drew him close to him, surprising her. Key wasn't used to love marks like this, she felt embarrassed by the situation. But she didn't push him away, not being able to do that to him.

- Key?

- Yes?

- When I kissed you last time...

The young woman removed Jisung's arm from around his neck and looked him straight in the eye, waiting for him to continue on his own.

- I...

Jisung was looking for his words but couldn't find anything to say, he was red with embarrassment but Key had not noticed him by the lack of light in the living room. He was afraid that she didn't want to be with him, he wanted to tell him everything he was feeling. Anxiety held his stomach.

- Jisung, said Key. What do you want to tell me?

- It's complicated," he simply replied. I'm afraid you're...

- That I'm what?

- That you don't want to.

- Of what, Jisung?

- Key, do you want to go out with me?

The young woman's face became red to her question, a smile giving way to the amazement that one could see her lips. Key just thought he was gonna talk to her about screwing, but she was wrong, her proposal more than surprised her.

- Key?

The young woman nodded slowly, the young rapper drew a smile.

- That's a yes? he asked, to be sure he understood his answer.

- Yes, Jisung.

The silence was falling in the living room, the two lovers looked into each other's eyes without saying a word. Hidden in the shadows Felix had witnessed this scene, he shook his head negatively knowing full well that it was a very bad idea. He had to go talk to Chan, he felt the need. As discreet as a feline, Felix went upstairs and knocked on the door of the leader's room. This one opened, it was Jeongin, Hyunjin and Chan was sitting on their bed. Felix forced the maknae to let him pass, Jeongin frowned and closed the door.

- We must speak Chan, said Felix, leaning back against the wall.

- Of what? asked the leader.

- Jisung just asked Key if he wanted to go out with him.

- I thought he had already done so, said Jeongin. He kissed him the last time I saw them together.

Chan sighed as he rubbed his itchy nose.

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