Chapter nine

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Hi, how are you? already 56 seen so thank you! Jisung has a fight with his group in the previous chapter, and Key in all this?

- Key!

The young woman, by the agreement of her first name, went down the stairs to join her mother who was in the kitchen. Key turned pale when she saw that she was holding the phone that gave her Jisung. She slowly approached the table and went to sit on a chair, head was dropping.

- Can you explain to me where you got that from?

- A friend gives it to me...

- A friend? she asked. An extra boy! I can't believe a boy wants my daughter.

- We are just friends! exclaimed the young woman.

- There is no such thing as a boy-girl friendship, replied his mother, shaking her head. When did he pass it on to you?

- Three days ago...

- The day of your seventeenth birthday, if I understand correctly. Key, you know how your father feels about this, if he finds out that your friend celebrated your birthday, you're in serious trouble.

- You tell me that when you don't even give it to me...

- Key, we've already talked about this, your father is the head of the family, he makes certain decisions that I cannot contradict.

- That is unfair!

- Don't raise your voice Key, I'm your mother not a dog. For the phone, I'll keep it for the moment. Prove to me you're worthy and you can get it back.

- How can I prove to you that I am worthy of it? I have an excellent average.

- It's not about that, Key. Show us you're gonna work in the family business and take it back and you can get the phone back.

- Mom, I'm just...

- Don't show it and you can wait a long time to get it back. I can't allow you to embarrass our family.

- I don't want to take over the family business, she cried as she stood up. I want to be able to do what I like.

- What was it again? Idol? But my poor daughter, you will never become one. You have no talent, you look like a pot when you sing and I don't talk to you when you dance, what a shame. Your great-great-grandfather put his heart and soul into this business, so you better take it back when we retire.

- I don't like your work! she replied, feeling the tears coming to her eyes. It is not up to you to choose my future, but to me. This company sucks! I don't want it!

- How can you say that? It is the best profession that can exist! But you! You think only of your little person, you would rather live a good life, a rich life! But you live too much in your Key dreams! You will get nothing.

- The best job that can exist? I don't think so. And no, I don't think that I want to live on what I love and I don't care whether I'm rich or not! That's not what I want! To have something, you have to believe it!

- We're done talking here, Key. Go to your room!

- I...

- Go to your room, I won't repeat myself.

- Anyway, you never loved me, she said, looking into her eyes.

Key turned around and ran to his room, making sure to slam the door.

Tears had begun to color on her cheeks. She hated them, she knew very well that they did not like her, yet it was not true. She was wrong and would never admit it. Several times she had been tempted to run away, but she had never done so before. She even thought about bringing her parents to justice, but they didn't deal with cases like that. She was at the bottom of the abyss, she didn't know how to live her life the way she wanted.

If Jisung contacted her she couldn't answer, he might be worried. She had to warn him by any means, but she had no idea. She could warn him by a means, but she wasn't thinking about it at all. Key didn't know how to do it, she was in complete panic that she couldn't warn him. She wiped her eyes full of tears, didn't understand why her parents were like this with her. Yet she tried to understand but in vain, she did not know. She went to open the door to her room, ready to have more explanations with her mother.

When she went down to the living room she thought it was strange that the fireplace was lit, knowing that it was not very cold. When she saw that her phone was burning in it, it was the drop of water that broke the vase. Her mother was away on urgent business so she couldn't get an explanation for what she'd just done. The tears returning to her eyes she ran into her room, she took as fast as she put it in her satchel and emptied it. She put in the place of her spare business course business. She couldn't stand it anymore, she couldn't stay one more minute here. As soon as she could she rushed out of the house. She left no word, no indication of where she was, anyway they wouldn't worry, as usual.

Key is now on the street, walking towards the Stray Kids dormitory, his backpack. It was the only place she knew where she could go. She no longer wanted to live with her parents, she wanted to live elsewhere. Never have to deal with them again. It was the first time she ran away and probably the last time. The night would soon fall on Seoul, Key had to hurry if she did not want to walk in the night without light. She turned in the street to her left, he had ten minutes to arrive before night fell, but it was impossible, it took her twenty minutes of walking to reach the destination. She was worried and understood, the sun was setting and it was dangerous to be alone so young. Yet she was extremely cautious but the anguish was near her heart. She was trembling and frightening, she had never come out so late. Key had always had a part of fear in her that she didn't often show. But in this case it was different.

She blew a good blow and continued to walk the street, her walk was fast. A side point appeared on her ribs, despite the pain she continued without worrying about her fatigue. The young woman did not want to stop, she did not want to take any risk, she did not want to be attacked again.

A scream slipped out of his mouth when a hand grabbed his arm. Key suddenly turned his heart beating at a hundred an hour. She was scared to death.

- Key, it's me, Chan.

Wearing a mask she had not recognized him, the leader removed his cap revealing his hair. The shaking of her hands began to calm down. Her breathing resumed a normal rhythm, she was relieved to see it.

- Are you all right? You look scared and sad...

Key lowered his head and shook his head negatively, if she could she would have buried herself in his arms. But she did not dare, it was still an Idol. Chan frowned and put his cap on the young woman's head. Key to his action sketched a fine smile.

- Come on, he said. You mustn't be alone at this hour. It's really not a safe place.

Key nodded her head, she wasn't going to refuse that invitation.

Key ran away from home, what's Jisung's reaction to hearing about this?

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Key ran away from home, what's Jisung's reaction to hearing about this?

Chan gave her a hell of a scare but luckily he's here for her!

Do you think Chan will have an important role between Jisung and Key?

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