| CHAPTER 2 | •Chicken Karaage•

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Ayame Sora, the main character is was introduced. She is reunited with Aoyama.


The rest of the class was too shocked to react. It was as if they were paralyzed. It was only when Aoyama finally released Sora from his embrace that the classroom became lively again.

Aoyama's forehead was placed on Sora's shoulder and she was slowly patting his head.
The entire class but Narita crowded around the two, asking about their relationship status obnoxiously loudly.
Questions such as:
"Are you guys dating?!"
"You're allowed to touch him?"
"What's your relationship with him?!"

Sora felt slightly overwhelmed, she couldn't bring herself to speak in front of so many strangers, one of her biggest weaknesses.
Aoyama, suddenly spoke up, which he did not usually do, and this was apparent to the class.
"You're making her uncomfortable, please give her some space." He looked right at them, giving them a death glare. If looks could kill, then they would all probably be dead.

"Thank you, Aoyama," Sora said to Aoyama after the crowd dispersed.
Aoyama simply nodded and proceeded to grab her risk and drag her by her wrist up to the teacher's room to eat.

"They let you in here because you clean it, didn't they?" Sora said, placing her bento box on the coffee table.
"I could tell. This place is literally sparkling."
Aoyama only curtly nodded in reply and took out his own lunch.

There was a moment of silence, it wasn't awkward, the air around them was only nostalgic and sparkly as if they were an elderly couple reminiscing their youth.
Quietly unwrapping their lunch boxes and taking out their utensils, Sora avian, spoke up.
"Do you want to share side dishes?"
Aoyama eagerly nodded, he hadn't tasted the food she made for 7 years and he missed the food he always would eat at lunch in elementary school.

Both picking up their small container filled with white rice, they placed their boxes of side dishes in the middle of the table and after saying the usual "thanks for the food.", They began to eat.
Aoyama slightly hesitated before reaching for a piece of fried chicken karaage that was in the side dish box of Sora and took a bite.

Just one bite of this nostalgic food and Aoyama was close to tears again.
He had missed her terribly throughout these 7 years, and this one dish, in particular, brought back a lot of memories.

Sora's special fried chicken karaage was something that she often used to bring, and it became a thing for her to bring extra to share.
She always refused to tell him the recipe, and so after she left, he had tried so many times to recreate the dish, but ultimately failing to do so.

Aoyama was never one to express their emotions openly, nor be emotional generally, but he felt his bubble of feelings he kept hidden burst, and he felt like crying again. He tried to blink back his tears, but it resulted in it accidentally pushing them out and soon, it turned into full-on sobbing.
He was already a mess in the classroom, but the full brunt of it had now hit him, and it was still hard to believe she was back. It was so sudden, one day she's gone, and she goes and comes back seven years later, just suddenly showing up in his classroom.

Sora pulled him into a hug again, and let him calm down before she said something.
"You sure are emotional today."
Aoyama as if in reply nuzzled his nose into her neck.
"Come on, eat before lunch ends." They ate their lunch quietly, so quietly, that you would think to make a sound would ruin the atmosphere and turn the air around them awkward. However, although Aoyama still had his stoic expression plastered on his face, his eyes were a little bit puffy, and you could tell he had been crying. He seemed far happier than he usually was though, even though his face remained the same.

The bell rang as the last grain of rice disappeared from their lunch boxes and slowly packing up, they arrived back in their (assassination)classroom.


Sora slowly walked alongside Aoyama back home, he had offered to walk her back, and even though she wanted to tell him it was fine, and he didn't have to walk her back to her house, she wanted to stay with him longer, so she kept her mouth shut and nodded her head.
The walk was silent, but at the same time, the air around them was cheerful and bright.

As they walked, the sky slowly got darker, and the street lights had turned on.
Aoyama suddenly spoke.
"You usually have so much to say, and you're really energetic and childish, but you seem very quiet. I'm honestly kind of disturbed."
Sora gave him a playful nudge.
"Shut up! I'm just really happy that you're here, that's all."

However, without them knowing a certain group of boys was tailing them.
"What the hell, since when was Aoyama that cheerful," Sakai said.
"That girl definitely has something to do with it," Tsukamoto added, pushing his glasses up, causing a glint to flash over his glasses.

Sora didn't miss them, knowing they were there the entire time. But she played dumb, knowing they were harmless

There was a moment of silence before Sora spoke again.
"We're here."
Aoyama, hearing this, felt kind of sad, and walked her right up to the front door.
"If you would like, you could stay over tonight."
Aoyama brightened up instantly and nodded eagerly before Sora lead him inside.

Back behind the bushes, there was a commotion.
"OH MY GOD!!! HE WENT IN!!!" Sakai whisper shouted.
"WAIT REALLY?!" Tsukamoto whisper shouted back, snatching the binoculars from Sakai.
"Oh my god." Added Yoshioka, who snatched the goggles off Tsukamoto.

Suddenly, Sora came out, still in her school uniform, with three plastic boxes in hand.
"I know you're there, you were following us all the way here, you can come out now."
She was a series of rustles in the bushes before the three boys, all differentiating in size, shamefully walked out from their hiding place.
The boys looked up at Sora, who was holding the boxes out to them.
"One box each. Make it home safe, share it with your family."
They cried like teenage girls going through a breakup out of thankfulness and accepted them.
Quickly bowing and yelling out an apology, which quickly got dismissed, then scurried back home.


Status: (Edited)
Woo! New chapter!  I hope you enjoyed it, thank you for reading this trash, again. Haha.
Word count(Including A/N): 1117 words

Word count(Including A/N): 1117 words

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