chapter 6

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Today was the day where Yunho would propose San. He prepared everything. Fortunately they didn't have any classes so it was easy. Yunho wanted to take San to a fancy restaurant and then to the beach to propose to him. He made sure that everything was perfect.  Then he called San. "Hey San. Are you free right now?" Yunho asked. He heard a little chuckle from the other line. Yunho smiled to himself as the sound of his crush's little chuckle. "Yes. I'm free Yunho" San said with a smile plastered on his face although he knows that Yunho didn't see it. " I was thinking if you wanted to go out you know like a know?" Yunho said a bit hesitant. "Sure....anything for my best friend" San said. Instead of being happy, Yunho felt sad. His heart ached when San called him best friend but he tried to ignored it. He had to propose San. "Okay. I'll pick you up at 10 if it's okay with you." Yunho said. "Okay....I'll be ready" San replied. "Then see you later" Yunho replied back. "Yeah see you" San said before ending the call.

Sighing, Yunho called Wooyoung. "Hey Woo." Yunho said as his friend took his call. "Wassup Yunho. You seem sad" Wooyoung said as he heard the tone if his voice. "I think that I should not propose to San. I mean he think of me as his best friend and nothing more" Yunho said sadly at the thought of San rejecting him. "He won't do that. I know him for 3 years. And you already made the reservations and already decorated the beach so you have to do it." Wooyoung said getting a bit hype at the last part since it was his idea to go to the beach and it was him who decorated everything. "Okay. I trust you Woo if he rejects me you are the one who will comfort me." Yunho said a bit relaxed. "Of course." Wooyoung replied after a little chuckle. "I love you Woo and thanks again for the preparations. So talk to you later." Yunho said after some seconds of silence. "I love you too Yunho and stop saying thanks. Okay talk to you later. Byeee" Wooyoung said and ended the call.

So for the next chapter Yunho will propose San. ❤❤

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