[R.T] I rant about my nonexistant love life

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So, my sis and I were just chatting with our friends since we were all hanging out together when my sister just casually mentions that a boy confessed to her during the last week of school?! But I know that she already has a crush on this other kid named Dylan...

And I just looked at her like... gurl say whaaatt???

Like can someone explain to me how my 11 year old sister's love life is more solid than mine??
To tease her, my friend Laicey and I came up with a ship name with my sister and the boy who likes her. 😂

Now while you ponder that, I'ma be here in my Fandoms United hoodie, hugging my books and lamenting about my fictional crushes and/or crying in fangirl.

bye 👋 ☕️

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