"We're slowly making our way there my dear. It takes time. Especially since we're both stubborn." he said in a somber tone. "I know I said I'd take you home but there's something I need to do before I go home do you think you can fair well on your own?"

"Yeah." you nodded and with a kiss on the forehead he was off again leaving you on the roof of the building. Watching him leave you looked down from the building and decided to jump while using your esper quirk. For all girls in school they normally wore school skirts but you did not. You wore pants, which was technically against school policy but one look from your mother was enough to change their minds.

Once on the ground you ignored the looks from passerbyers as you started walking like nothing happened. You could've just teleported or flew home but since you had to stay after school it was rush hour and you knew you could get in trouble if caught.  

On the bright side, since you still had time before it got dark you decided to take the long way home and pass through Musutafu. The streets were relatively empty as you walked past a park.

It was a decent sized but small park there were swings, a slide, jungle gym, and a small  rock climbing station. The park was most likely made for the small neighborhood children since there wasn't a lot of equipment.

'I guess it wouldn't hurt to swing for a while.'

With it being a school night, you could see the park was empty as you walked closer to it. Behind the park was a woods-like area and normally you wouldn't pay attention to small details but there were soft sounds coming from them. As you walked closers you could make out the sounds of whimpers and a weird scent in the air.

Dropping your bag near the swings you carefully walked over to where you heard the sounds only to let out an uncharacteristic gasp at the sight of a boy your about age with messy curly green hair, freckles, and a body covered in scrapes. Kneeling down you brushed his hair out of his face causing him to flinch away slightly before opening his eyes.

"A-are you an angel?" he mumbled softly only to wince in pain.

"What happened?" you asked and you gently laid him on his back to asset the damage.


"Oh. Is it ok if I heal you..? I'm sorry what's your name?"

"M-midoriya Izuku and y-yeah. Is that your quirk?" he asked softly. You let out a grunt with a nod as you rubbed your gloved hands together letting them glow before hovering them over his body. Your focus was trained on his torso, making sure everything was healed correctly, and with hesitation you glanced between his body and face.  Much like your father when you healed him, you watch as Izuku's face shifted from in pain to a relaxed. "W-warm.."

"Yagi Y/n"


"My name is Yagi Y/n."

"Ah.. Ok. Thank you Yagi-san." he smiled. Looking at him you felt your heart skip a beat and you grunted.

"No problem Midoriya-kun. Just sit back I'm almost done.. They really did a number on you."

The young beta boy nodded and let out a weak cough. "I'm glad they did.. Or I would of never met you."

Your heart skipped a beat again and a uncharacteristic warmth filled you. Izuku was most likely still in a daze, because he didn't realize what he said. But with how warm you felt were happy your skin could hide any possible blush.

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