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BIG TRIGGER WARNING!!! Suicide Attempt

A week has passed since the incident with Harry's attackers. We avoid everyone, even our friends. We go to classes and spend most of our free time in the greenhouses with Professor Sprout. She teaches us new spells to care for larger groups of muggle plants. Harry has been quiet all week and I'm starting to get worried

"Draco!" Professor Sprout snaps her finger in front of my face. "Are you listening?"

"Yes, sorry Professor " I mumble.

She rolls her eyes and resumes explaining the spell to plant large amounts of flower seeds. She pulls out supplies as she talks, and putting them on the table in front of us with loud thumps. "Practice with these," She says. "I'm going up to the castle. Remember to clean up when you're done." She rushes out the door, her cloak swishing behind her.

"This will be helpful when we start our flower shop," I say, waving my wand to start the spell.

"Yeah." Harry is quiet. A smile plays on the corners of his mouth. "What is the house like?"

"It's- quaint." I heave the bag of dirt towards the pots. "Father had to fix it up some before we went the first summer. It'll probably need a lot of work when we get there. But we'll have all the time in the world."

"Is it big enough for a family?" His voice trembles. "We'll get married at some point of course, and I'd love to adopt someday."

I grin at him. "Of course. Anything you want, love."

We work in silence until we've perfected the spell.

"I'll clean up. You head up to the castle." I say, noticing Harry's yawns.

He nods, walks over and hugs me from behind. He buries his head into the crook of my neck. "I love you."

"I love you too." I kiss his forehead. "Go get dinner. I'll be up in a minute."

He gives me one long, sad look and kiss on the cheek before turning. He closes the door softly behind him.

I finish cleaning up quickly. Then, pulling my cloak tightly around me, I meander up towards the castle. The sun sinks slowly behind the castle, sparkling off the lake like millions of tiny diamonds, and dyeing the sky blood red. The air is still and chilly, and the trees of the Forbidden Forest stand in a dark wall beside me. I sigh contently.

I enter the Great Hall slide into a seat by Ginny, Luna, and Hermione. "Did Harry stop by?" I ask. Hermione is staring at a closed book, Ginny is devouring her food, and Luna has her head buried in her hands. I'm pretty sure she's asleep

"No" Hermione's gaze doesn't move from the book in front of her.

"Are you going to read that or just stare at it?" I load my plate with food.

She glares at me. "It's the newest book from my favorite author. I can't just read it. I have to savor the moment."

"You are so odd." Ginny snorts. "Just read the damn book. And Harry did come by, he just didn't stay."

Luna snaps her head out of her hands. "SHHHH. I'm sleeping."

"Then go to bed!" Ginny shouts.

"Come with me?" Luna winks.

"The things I do for you..." Ginny mutters as they leave.

"Fuck it!" Hermione cries, pulling the book towards her and throwing the cover open.

"Night" I call as I get up.

It takes five minutes to walk to the eighth year dormitory usually, but something makes me walk a little bit faster. I reach my and Harry's room and go to open the door. It doesn't open.

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