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Sun shines through the window. Harry's solid weight presses against me, still sound asleep. I remember the night before and grin.

Clothes are strewn about, hanging from the furniture and crumpled on the floor. I lean forward, pressing a kiss on Harry's neck. He shivers but remains asleep.

I nuzzle behind his ear, breathing in his soft scent. I whisper softly, "I love you." Before once again kissing his neck. He groans and rolls over.

"Morning, love," I whisper, kissing his cheek and sliding my arms around his waist.

"Why're we naked?" He asks sleepily.

"Don't you remember?" I murmur, kissing his forehead.

His eyes snap open. "That wasn't a dream?" A blush stains his cheeks.

"Nope," I smile. He hides his face in my shoulder.

Someone raps on the door. "Oi!" Ron's voice says. "Malfoy! Harry! You coming to breakfast?"

Harry sighs, extracting himself from my grasp. He grabs a shirt from the floor, my shirt, I note with satisfaction, and opens the door.

"We're coming. Just a moment." He says irritably.

Ron takes in the Slytherin shirt and gazes past Harry to see me in Harry's bed, bare-chested and a blanket draped loosely over my waist and legs.

He smirks. "Fun night?"

Harry turns even redder. "Goodbye, Ron." He says and slams the door in the Gryffindor's face.

"Tell the teachers we won't be in class," I shout to the closing door, much to Harry's mortification.

He jumps back into bed, burying his face in my chest. "You absolute git," He mumbles, slapping my chest.

"Love you too," I smirk, kissing the top of his head.



The minute we crawl out of our room around noon, I'm swarmed by Ginny and Hermione

"Ron told me about this morning!" Hermione squeals. "We want details!" The girls herd me towards the Great Hall, yammering excitedly.

We arrive at the Gryffindor table. Hermione transfigures a couple of goblets into a teapot and mugs. Ginny shoves me into a seat and sits next to me. Hermione plops across from me.

"Okay now talk," Hermione demands.

I take a sip of tea. "About what?"

She glares at me. "You know perfectly well what!"

"Well." I take another sip. "Professor Bennett had confronted us about skipping class." My smile disappears. "Said some absolutely awful things too." The girls all shake their heads, glaring in Bennett's direction.

"She's a bitch," Ginny growls.

I nod in agreement before continuing. "And so I was in the bathroom crying, and Draco was comforting me like he always does." The girls sigh, wishing they had boyfriends that are half as good as mine. I smirk smugly. "And then he said he loved me." Hermione and Ginny squeal and giggle.

"I remember when Ron first told me he loved me." Hermione sighs. "It wasn't romantic at all. He's so bad at things like that, he stuttered the entire time." She shrugs. "I suppose that's why I date him. Can't have a boyfriend who's smarter than me." We all roll our eyes at her.

"But what happened next?" Ginny asks.

I smile, blushing. "Well we kissed for a bit then he carried me back to our room."

"He carried you all that way?" Ginny gapes.

"He's strong," I say shrugging.

"And then did you-" Hermione asks. I nod and a blush spreads up my cheeks. They all squeal, falling back in their chairs.

"Telling everyone about last night, are we?" Someone whispers in my ear, coming from behind.

"Hey, Draco." I murmur, leaning into his touch. The girls coo over how cute we are.

He kisses my cheek before pulling away. "I better go. Ron's glaring at me from across the room. I suppose he wants to give me the 'Best Mate Talk' about never hurting you in any way."

"Mkay." I turn back to the girls. "So what's been going in your lives?"

Hermione shrugs. "School. Ron. Trying to figure out how to live like human beings again."

"Any new boys?" I ask Ginny mischievously.

"Not a boy." She sighs, glancing over at someone across the room. We follow her gaze to a blonde Ravenclaw with an uncharacteristically angry look.

"Luna?!" I gasp. "And a girl?!"

Ginny shoves me, blushing hard. "I'm a tiny bit bisexual. Sue me."

"That's great!" I hug her. "Are you two dating?'

Ginny shakes her head. "Nah, just friends. She's probably straight anyway."

"That's what I thought about Draco, and look at us now." I comfort her. "Talk to her. Worst thing that happens is she is straight. What's up with Luna anyway. She's really different this year."

Ginny shrugs. "The war was hard for all of us."

I nod sympathetically. Don't I know it. "Sounds like things are going well with Ron?" I turn to Hermione.

She blushes again. "We've just been through so much together. I can't imagine life without him."

We spend the rest of their lunch period gossiping and chatting. Then they have to leave for classes and I'm left alone in the Great Hall, awkwardly staring around at the students that linger around the tables.

I rush up to the common room. Draco sits on one of the couches, his head resting in his hands, and a crumpled letter laying beside him.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, sitting next to him.

He looks up at me. His eyes are rimmed with red and he's obviously been crying. When he speaks his voice is hoarse. "Mum sent me an owl. My dad-" He breaks off into heaving sobs, falling into my arms.

I hug him close. "He's gone?"

"The dementors got to him a few days ago." He cries.

"I don't know why they still have those damned things guarding Azkaban," I say fiercely.

"I don't know why I care so much," Draco whispers. "He was nothing but cruel to me, my entire childhood."

"He was your father." I murmur, running my fingers through his silky hair.

"He never acted like one."

We sit in silence. Tears roll down Draco's face and I hold him, running my hands through his hair.

"My mother asked me to come home for the funeral," Draco whispers.

"Go," I tell him. "I'll be fine."

"I don't have to leave until tomorrow. I should probably owl my mother to tell her I'll be coming home." He sits up, wiping at his eyes.

"I love you." I kiss him softly.

He gets up and kisses me back. "I love you too." Then he disappears out the door towards the Owlery.

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