The ball room was a separate room from the mansion Xander's family lived in, originally it was all one big castle with secret passages and tunnels that could take you to the other side of the castle in a matter of minutes. But over the last century, the place had been redesigned, with a leading path from the backyard to the gazebo then into the three story high hand-crafted building known as the ball room, similar to a function room.

Ara looked back, remembering how earlier in the night she was so surprised, wondering if the Ball Room was actually attached to the house, but actually it was a gorgeous separate room that brought all her fairytale dreams to life. Like most ball rooms, long red carpeted stairs led to a marble floor of dancing and chattery people and coincidentally a two large thrones draped in silky velvet and a golden frame that seemed to outshine everyone in the entire room.

Tonight, it was empty, as both the King and Queen were dancing their hearts out on the floor or talking to guests as if their social stance were nothing but just a simple title placed before their names.

"This is such a beautiful place, Xander," Ara whispered and Xander savoured the sound of his name rolling on her tongue, "I don't know how anyone could be hidden to such beauty." She laughed, realising how poetic that seemed to sound.

Xander smiled, "I'm glad you like it, Bella, but powerful witches keep the place hidden. It's like, there's a protective forcefield that tricks humans into seeing something else, and when they walk here, they walk right through it to the other side where they can't see it." He explains.

Her mouth turns into an 'O' shape. "That's good. Do you ever think one day they're going to let this forcefield go down?" Xander took in a deep breath and let it out, his arm tightening around Ara's body.

He looks down at her, purple eyes twinkling with the moonlight, also casting a shadow along his face. He looks so beautiful, Ara thought. "Maybe one day, maybe one day they will." And the words came out like a wish, or some sort of prayer and hope for the future where they will actually one day live in peace and harmony. But that day may be a while from now.


Ara checked on Caleb quickly, looking through the open crack of the door. He was fast asleep on a large bed, by himself. Toys and pillows surrounded him like a barrier to protect him from rolling over and falling off. She walks in quietly, kissing his forehead and slowly walks out of the room, murmuring a small goodnight prayer to him.

In her own room, she knew Xander had gone to shower in the ensuite bathroom, the soft sound of water falling to the ground being heard through the door. She took the quick chance to attempt to unzip her dress, but it wouldn't budge at all.

After many attempts, Xander came out of the bathroom, running a hand through his wet hair and a towel around his hips, only being held up by his right hand. It was embarrassing, Ara being caught reaching both her hands behind her back in attempt to pull down the zipper of her dress and all Xander did was just stand there and laugh.

"Really? Laughing? Great." Ara muttered mostly to herself, but Xander caught it and kept on laughing while slowly walking closer. She grunts once more, trying to reach back but all else fails.

"Here let me help," Xander offers, "Turn around." She does so, facing her back towards him and she pulls her hair to the front, leaving a clear view of her back to Xander.

With slow and soft movements, Xander allows the tips of his fingers to caress her bare skin and push a little bit of stray hair to the side. The small trails of his hands sent shivers down her spine and the spots that he left untouched tingling with desire. She just wanted his touch.

It felt too soon to end, because gently Xander held onto the zipper and achingly slowly, he brought it down, further and further exposing more of her skin, right to the end of her back; also known as right above her butt. She curled her lower lip beneath her upper teeth, biting on it and clenching her hands in fists by her side. 

Xander brought his left hand and placed it on her shoulder and Ara took hold of it slowly, interlocking their fingers. And then he made her turn around, pulling her close against his bare body. 

They were both breathing hard as Ara's hands slowly trail up his chest, resting over the curve of his shoulders. "Thanks." She whispered, feeling her voice get lost. He smiled down at her and brushed her hair behind her ear and cupping her cheek. 

Her heart was beating fast. His touch was like electrifying sparks that seemed to make her skip a beat. 

"No problem." He replied right before pressing his mouth against hers for the second time tonight. Ara wasn't even caught by surprise, not even when her back hit the blankets on his bed and his towel was thrown on the floor. 


A/N: I literally was waiting too long to write this scene and I wanted it to be perfect and precise and I don't think I did a very good job but I got the message across and I'm really starting to think about starting another book along with this one.

I'm not sure about making a sequel for ODN, I might just make this a longass book for all you lovelies to enjoy ;) 

Also, I'm getting a lot of homework lately and I like to draw so I do some requests for a few people on another site hahahah xxx won't like that though ;) and well, me and my rl friend were discussing a plan for this book and let me say, it left me breathless too. 

HI COURTNEY ARE YOU HAPPY I UPDATED. So yeah. And everyone should check out my friend Ash's book. @Ashhhpg. Her story is cute and adorable and I just OTP (~*3*)~ 

This chapter is so short and unedited omg lol 

ALSO IF U WANT A DETAIL SCENE, LET ME KNOW BECAUSE I"M NOT SURE IF I CAN ACTUALLY WRITE THAT EXPLICITLY. But I've read Fifty Shades of Grey, so guys, I think I'm pretty ready ;) hahhaha I'm not. But I will try if people want xx

-Rinnyhere <3

**2020: god who let 13yo me write smut

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