Chapter One

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Carrina. My troubled mother. The woman that brought me into this world at the age of 18. That's all I knew her as. Mostly because I'd only seen her once or twice. Each time, she had an array of kids in tail. I'd never formally met my half siblings. I knew some of their names and I'd said hello and goodbye. Except for Miles. He was mute.

Each time Momma got pregnant, Dad would tell me reluctantly. I assume she just kept looking for love in all the wrong places. That didn't stop people from making comments about how loose she was and how kids practically "fall out" of her. I didn't even know why I cared. It's not like she'd care if people made comments about me. But still, it stung and sent me into an unexplainable rage.

"How come I never talk to her? How come she speaks through you?" I asked angrily one day after a particularly hard day at school.

Dad sat down next to me on the couch and sighed. "You're gonna see her today. I finally convinced her to let me stop by. She told me she finally thought it was time for you guys to talk. And I'm going to oblige because I know this side of your life has been killing you. Your brothers and sisters won't be home though."

"I'll take anything I can get. When are we leaving?"

"In an hour or two."

Those two hours were the longest two hours of my life. I shuffled along, throwing on something comfy, but nice enough. Dad had all but shoved me in the car. Even though I was ready, I moved slowly. I could tell this made him get second thoughts about taking me, but the roar of the engine confirmed that this was actually going to happen.

'Wow. I get to meet my mother. Ms. Jones. I wonder what she's like. All I hear about is how much of a hoe she is. I'm sure she's gotta be a genuine person even if she couldn't take of me. Maybe it hurt too much to contact me. Maybe she had too many mouths to feed to worry about a well fed one. I still don't know how many siblings I have. Oh well, there's no need in counting until she's finished having them.' My thoughts were rampant.

"Stop thinkin' so hard. It is what it is." Dad said. Gee thanks. But what if it was what I didn't want it to be?

After a gruesome fifteen minute drive out of town, I stood in front of a small house that'd be fine for me and dad, but I don't know how she could possible house five or so kids in there with one on the way. I pulled my sweater closer to my body. Dad put a big hand on my shoulder and ushered me forward. I must've been thinking that entire time because I didn't remember stepping on her porch and I definitely didn't remember hearing the door swing open.

But there she was. My mouth slacked open. A tall woman with hair almost as messy and wild as mine and one of the most beautiful faces I'd ever seen stared back at me. Her protruding stomach beat her out of the door and almost knocked me off the porch. She tried to smile at me, but nothing came of it. I wasn't even going to bother attempting one. Dad stared at us for a moment.

"Listen, Harlem. I think it's best that you stay awhile. Without me. I'll be around to come get you. I don't wanna intrude."

"You trust her alone with me? I don't know this woman from a can of paint." I said harshly. She frowned, but nodded. She was trying to understand.

"I trust her." He said. And he was gone.

Carrina stared at me with her beautiful, pain filled eyes. I couldn't bring myself to speak. She just stepped out of my way so I could come in. It definitely was no paradise. The smell of old, mildewed wood and weed permeated my nostrils. Around, there was a couch with a comforter on it and toys sprawled everywhere across the floor. The only thing lighting the room was a lamp in the corner of the room which I liked very much for some reason. She threw her comforter on the floor and sat me down on the couch.

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