Chapter Six

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The cursor line blinked now and then for the nth time in front of his piercing blue orbs while a thumb rubbed circles under his chin as Claudio studied the draft of his business plan screened at the surface of his computer. He strained his eyes, obviously disappointed of it.

He sighed and proceeded to delete the entire document before closing the Microsoft for good.

Then, a message appeared at the bottom corner of his computer but just as he was about to access it, the door of his office opened and caught his attention.

Daniel came inside in his best suit and looking handsome and again of course, it brought smile to Claudio. The man sauntered towards him and handed him a folder upon reaching his table, "The financial report is here, sir," he informed in his usual manner that made the smile in the other's lips to disappear.

The Spanish man pushed himself away from his office table and leaned back against his chair, looking lenient but stern.

"Is that all?" he asked while crossing his legs and not once bothering to take the folder from his subordinate. Daniel stood firm on his ground, still stretching his arm to submit the report to his boss.

Though, the man simply stared at him from his chair.

Daniel bit his lip and then asked out of annoyance, "Then what do you want?" The Spanish man nodded to himself and he felt somewhat conceited that he could affect his subordinate with just his mere silence alone. He rested his elbow on the armchair and rubbed his chin again, as if thinking deep in thoughts but soon he answered, "I want you."

He saw the other man frowned at him, "I'm tired of this game, Claudio. I want to end our affair."

If anything, Claudio didn't seem surprise about it because he knew that things between them will come to this point sooner or later, although he didn't deny that somehow he hoped for not.

"I want you," he repeated.

He stood up from his seat and walked around the table, his fingers trailing on top of it and his footsteps echoing in their ears. His daunting stare lured Daniel to turn on his heels and both of them came face to face with each other soon after. "I want you, Daniel." he reached to hold the man's face in his palm and he did it all so lovingly which caused the other man to be confused.

But it changed when Claudio hauled the man from the floor and slammed his butt on top of the table in haste and Daniel almost cringed at the pain though it faded upon the soft kiss on his neck.

But it changed again when his boss restrained his hands on his sides in a firm grip.

It was both gentle and rough – it was different.

Claudio understood what the changes in his actions meant because like his beloved, he was tired of their game too. He was far already tired of pretending he didn't love Daniel.

The office space felt tight for him to breath and the small distance between their bodies felt a mile for him to pull the other in an odd embrace and then without a single word, he crashed his lips to him.

Settling himself in the man's parted legs, Claudio deepened their kiss in such intensity unfamiliar to him. His tongue searching for something inside Daniel's mouth as he tugged the hem of the other's shirt and forced his hand underneath before sending tender touches all over the man's gorgeous built.

Nonetheless, the apparent doubt he could feel from Daniel made him swallow his feelings back in his heart and decided to lift the man off the table before bending him over on it harshly.

Daniel suppressed a groan.

"I know you want me too, Daniel." he alleged in his rich accent just as he undid the man's belt and dragged the pants down to the floor.

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