Chapter 13 : Growing up

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⬆️Hope's Ball Gown⬆️

Third Person POV-

Klaus's sisters and Hayley gather around after Hope has opened all of her gifts on her thirteenth birthday, double checking the plans were on schedule for tonight's 'coming of age' ball Rebekah had insisted she throw for her niece.

Her argument won out due to the fact that Klaus threw a party or ball every year in October without any of his siblings interference and ignored their queries as to why he had mysteriously started the tradition since his return to New Orleans.

Rebekah had planned it all herself, using Hayley and Freya as her own personal minions. She invited trusted wolves, witches, vampires, selected humans from the factions, and Hope's friends.

Hope and Kol are singing and dancing in the family living room, Rebekah gathers them in there so that she could get the house ready for that night. Klaus loves seeing his daughter so carefree and happy. It actually makes him want to thank Kol for his eternal inner child personality.

She misses her uncle whenever he went off for a few months a year. Kol's wanderlust and adventurous spirit couldn't keep him tethered in one place for too long. However, his love for his niece and family dynamic keeps him grounded in New Orleans for ten months out of the year and he never misses her birthday and Christmas.

The usual pink parcel is delivered to the mansion, just as mysterious as always. Hope brings it back in when she discovered it and settles down on the rug, opening it to find a pair of boxing gloves.

 Hope brings it back in when she discovered it and settles down on the rug, opening it to find a pair of boxing gloves

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Everyone looks on in confusion. It isn't been what they expected, thinking more along the lines of new books or art.

Hope retrieves the letter from the box and gasps.

"Oh my God, she actually wrote to me!" She exclaims, a huge smile on her ecstatic face.

Miss Hope Mikaelson,

Coming into a teenager is difficult, and with added wolf hormones, it's probably even harder. Channel your emotions into learning to fight and defend. Not only does it relieve rage, especially when older, it can help you feel less defenceless against an attack. (Should one occur. I really hope it does not.)

You may be a woman but you are not weak.

Keep it a secret.

Use other's perception of you being 'weak' - whether in strength or knowledge.

Put it to your advantage.

Be strong and beautiful in every way possible.

All my love.

"Where are the quotes?"

"Why did they changed the format of the letter?"

"It is getting a bit personal now."

A chorus of voices came from the Mikaelsons as they question the change of routine in the letters sent to her.

"Maybe it's because I'm older now Daddy, I am thirteen now." Hope nonchalantly replies.

Klaus groans, not needing the reminder of how fast his little girl was growing.

"Can we go practice tomorrow Daddy? Pretty please!" she jumps in front of her father, clutching the gloves in her one hand excited.

The men object to Hope being taught to fight, still stuck in their old ways. Rebekah stuck up for Hope, saying that she didn't want Klaus treating her the same way as he did her when she wanted to learn how to use a sword. It was actually Hayley who voiced her concern about Hope's safety. Stating that whomever wrote the letter was actually talking some sense. It eventually wins Klaus over, shocked that she actually agreed with something from the letters.

His daughter dances her way to her bedroom, happily ready to prepare herself for her ball with a beautiful, pink gown adorned in crystals hanging in her wardrobe as she looked forward to the next day when she would learn to fight with her father.

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