Chapter 5 : Views on the Lives They Live

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Third Person POV -

The Mikaelson Family home went through another round of redecorating, mainly due to Rebekah's boredom. Her excuses were that ''there were women living in the house also, and it should feel more homely for them rather than living in a bachelor mansion.''

The dark, vintage mood of the living room had been uplifted into bright, glamorous, Parisian style lounge. She had swapped the multiple gothic-esque candles and curtains for soft pinks and creams, changed the dark lighting into crystal chandeliers and had some of her antique furniture and rugs shipped from her home in Paris to finish the desired effect.

The only warning from her big brother Nik was to not touch his pieces of art he had hung up, but eventually caved and reluctantly swapped the dark and dreary ones to soft landscapes, a painting of blonde woman with her hair pinned up with delicate curls standing with their back to the artist and portraits of their family happy in France.

But only for a year or two.

Rebekah, Freya and Hayley sit on their new-old shabby French, Louis XV sofa watching Hope curled on the baby pink floral rug playing with her new toys, Wolfy on guard on the cornice console.

They are talking about the upcoming wedding between Hayley and Jackson. Rebekah is demanding to choose her own dress while Freya tries to avert topics before an all out bridezilla war dooms the household.

The front door to the abattoir was knocked and Klaus returned to the lounge with the familiar looking package, still extremely curious as to whom has been sending them and why they continue to do so.

He sits next to Hope on the floor and they open the gift together.

Inside the package, there is a British Literature set which includes classics such as Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Henry James, Thomas Hardy and Emily Brontë.

Klaus opens the letter carefully, so that he could place it with the other previous letters his daughter has received in the past. He then sits Hope onto his lap and read the letter aloud.

Miss Hope Mikaelson,

"It was rather beautiful: the way he put her insecurities to sleep. The way he dove into her eyes and starved all the fears and tasted all the dreams she kept coiled beneath her bones."

-Christopher Poindexter.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire; Doubt that the sun doth move; Doubt truth to be a liar; But never doubt I love."

-William Shakespeare.

"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."

-Anthony J D'Angelo.

All my love.

Everyone expresses their ideas and thoughts on the quotes, trying to convey what t they could mean. Are they directed at Klaus or Hope? Maybe even the author?

"What are they even trying to say?" Hayley asks, confused. "I don't understand the quotes."

"Maybe they are giving Hope some help for her future," Elijah tries to explain, which ends up making it worse.

"What do you mean future? Is it a witchy thing? Witches work in riddles don't they? Or are they trying to say I'm not good enough to raise my own child?" Hayley spat, outraged at the thought Elijah's explanation.

"Or, it could be related to the sender. Maybe they are sending subtle hints about who they could be through the quotes. Maybe it could be their views about life." Kol interjects, making everyone think about the million dollar question.

Who is sending these gifts?

At the end of the night, Klaus placed the books in Hope's room on the bookcase he brought her when she was a baby next to the previous sets from the unknown gifter. The letter was put in the drawer underneath with drawings he and Hope done last year.

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