Chapter 2 : The 2nd Present

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Third Person POV-

The Mikaelson's were assembled in the living room to celebrate Hope's second birthday.

They were all awakened early morning by an excited toddler and Hayley barely managed to give her daughter breakfast before she toddled her way into the living room, Wolfy floating behind her. Mounds of presents accumulated throughout the spacious room and Hope began to tear into them one by one.

New Orleans has been extremely peaceful and the factions are still treading carefully with one another; but surprisingly are able to stay in the room for one special little princess. Marcel, Davina, and Jackson had been invited over to share the special day with the family, presents in hand for the little blonde beauty.

As everyone was having a good time playing with Hope and her new presents, taking photos and chatting away, there was a knock at the front door. Freya, who was closest to the living room door, slips out the room, not wanting to tear Hopes parents away from the special day. Upon opening the door, she finds a gift box on the doorstep, looking exactly the same as the suspicious package from last year.

As Freya walks back into the room with the package, she notices Hope laying on the carpet playing with her best friend. Since her last birthday, she had not left the little stuffed toy go, sometimes even taking her in the bath with her. She finds it really adorable and if Klaus hadn't yet said it, he does too. Hope hasn't really developed any more signs of magic yet; just focusing on levitating the little wolf.

Klaus notices his sister's presence back in the room and the package she brought back with her. He speeds over to her and all but snatches it out of her hands, ignoring Marcel teasing at how eager he looks over a pretty pink box.

"I've never seen you this excited over a pink gift box before Klaus? Is it your birthday too?" Marcel jokes around bumping his shoulder into Rebekah. A little subtle nudge for extra details.

"It's for Hope, she had a gift like this last year. We don't know who's sent them, but they seem to know personal and private information. Nik's being too paranoid and overprotective over it." Rebekah explains to the others about the events that happened the previous year.

Klaus reached the chair he just vacated and sat down. He carefully unwrapped it, still not trusting the sender not to hurt his daughter, but that is deep and embodied paranoia over a thousand years long acting up. Once he slid the lid up, he found an antique looking book. Turning it over he recognised the original copy of Little Red Riding Hood.

Putting that to his side, he pulled out a beautiful designed red riding hood costume that would fit Hope

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Putting that to his side, he pulled out a beautiful designed red riding hood costume that would fit Hope. Grabbing the letter from the bottom of the box, he began to read it aloud.

Miss Hope Mikaelson,

Wow, another year has gone by so fast! We will keep this letter (and the next few) short and sweet; just like you.

"Little girls, this seems to say, Never stop upon your way, Never trust a strangers-friend; No one knows how it will end.

As your pretty, so be wise; Wolves may lurk in every guise. Handsome they may be, and kind. Gay, and charming - never mind.

Now, as then, tis simple truth: Sweetest tongue has sharpest tooth!"

All my love.

The occupants of the room were stunned into confusion at the simplicity of the letter and why that quote was written. Freya takes the letter off him, checking for any magic residue and yet again, finds nothing. She asks Davina to assist her in casting some location spells or try to see if they could get a look at whomever wrote the letter.

Once again, they come back with no answer.

Kol grabs the dress and flashed over to Hope and dressed her in it quickly while she was giggled at the funny faces he made towards her. Rebekah took photos of how adorable she looked as Red Riding Hood with her special Wolfy next to her.

Klaus tries to reign his temper and annoyance throughout the day at the secrecy of the gifts, but after looking at the photos Rebekah took of her in the gorgeous dress, his heart melted

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Klaus tries to reign his temper and annoyance throughout the day at the secrecy of the gifts, but after looking at the photos Rebekah took of her in the gorgeous dress, his heart melted. Taking Hope to bed, he grabs the book on his way and settled down to read it to his little princess; who clings onto his voice and the story as she slowly, and finally surrenders to sleep.

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