Even Nightmares Dream

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A chilling laugh reached his ears, jolting him from the peaceful silence. When he opened his eyes, the room had disappeared, leaving him floating in nothing but a swirl of deep purple and black. Swiveling his head, Black called to you, listening to his voice as it echoed through the void of emptiness. A sudden, deep laugh from the darkness reached his eardrums, making the hair stand up on the back of his neck.

Where the Hell was he? And who was that?

With a whoosh of air before his eyes, a patch of darkness began to twist and change, taking the thin form of a familiar Kai.

"My my Black, look at how you've devolved," Zamasu cackled at the look on his partner's face.

"What do you want?" Black hissed, clenching his fist.

"Is that really how you talk to your friend?"

"You're not my friend!"

"Of course not. I am you," Zamasu shot towards him, stopping a mere two inches away from his face, but the Saiyan refused to back down.

"And your point is? My patience is running thin." Black was anxious to get back to you, but he was careful not to reveal anything on his face. He knew Zamasu would pounce on any and every opportunity he saw, like a true predator.

"Have you forgotten about our plan? Are you going to throw away all of this for a mere human?" Zamasu spat the word "human" like it was something bitter, his face contorting in an instant to reveal his distaste.

"She's immortal!"

"Is that your pitiful excuse for keeping that disgusting thing around? Or have those ungodly lustful desires of a mortal body final taken over your mind?"

That was the last straw. Black rushed towards him, plunging his fist into his midsection only to find that the murderous Kai had disappeared into streaks of black smoke, formulating a couple meters away from where he was. He appeared completely unharmed.

"You can't touch me in your dreams," Zamasu remarked coldly, looking completely unconcerned.

Black let out a rumbling snarl, a vein pulsing in his neck as he struggled not to lose his temper again. Losing control would be no better than outright admitting his defeat. "So then what the Hell are you doing here?"

"Oh nothing much," Zamasu drawled, folding his arms behind his back. "Just to remind you that I'm still here, and as long as I am, I'm not going to just forget about your precious pet."

"Y/n none of your concern. You can stay in that stupid cage and rot for all of eternity, see if I care. I can carry out the Zero Mortal Plan with or without you, it makes no difference with me."

"Oh really?" Zamasu almost purred, making Black want to gag. "What about those apes from the future, hmm? How do you plan on erasing them without my help?"

"I think I'll manage, thanks." He rebutted, aura pulsating pink. Another vein popped out of his neck and he struggled desperately to tame his fury.

"Hm sure," the white-haired God taunted, suddenly teleporting to stand in front of his partner, noses merely two inches apart. Black could almost imagine the warm breath of his former ally dusting his face, but of course, they were both just illusions. The smug grin was wiped off Zamasu's face in an instant as his temper changed without warning.

"You can't protect her forever, you know." Even though Black himself had a tendency to switch from one mood to another in a split second, it was still unnerving to see it on Zamasu. Perhaps it was because of how similar it seemed to himself.

"That too is none of your concern," Black floated backwards a few inches, eager to put some distance between them.

"COWARD!" Zamasu spat startling him, though he managed to keep his expression the same neutral stare. "You would ruin the entire plan for one goddamn human! After everything we've worked for, all the blood it took, you would throw it all away?!"

"She's basically a God!"

"She's basically a God!" Zamasu viciously threw his words back in his face and this time Black really did lose control. Letting out an enraged roar, his hair shot up immediately and flared a magnificent pink, a furious aura surrounded him like a massive halo. Like the grim reaper of justice that he was. Locking onto his target, he charged, only to find the same result as his previous attempt, delighting Zamasu and sending Black into an even worse frenzy.

Nearly blind with rage, he let out a volley of energy blasts which promptly disappeared into the hazy distance much to his displeasure. Zamasu however, disappeared a millimeter before one was due to collide with his chest, which wouldn't have done much anyways in a world of dreams.

Black was left confused and angrier than ever as he howled insults into the void, completely losing any semblance of self-control. After being forced to lose you for so long, ditching his own partner, and forming a shaky alliance with Trunks, he was long overdue for a break and now this? If only you could see him now. Good God, he was losing it.

His heart thundered voluminously in his chest as he turned left and right searching for the fiend who had seemingly disappeared into thin air.

"I could make that repulsive little bitch pay, Black. I can tear her limb from limb and trap her in a Hell that even you wouldn't be able to rescue her from. Oh, the possibilities are endless." It seemed to be coming from all directions and even the powerful Saiyan couldn't discern exactly where it was emanating from. "Or...." The voice paused thoughtfully. "I could make her my pet."

Black gnashed his teeth so hard it was a miracle they didn't chip, but the voice didn't seem to be bothered at all and continued to harass him.

"But I really have no use for treacherous little leeches who would betray her own kind for some fool in a stolen body. You can't save her, not forever. The universe always finds a way, and when it does, you'll be left with naught."

"Come out you coward!" Black's voice echoed through space, receiving no call. I'll rip that bastard to pieces!

"Oh Black," A voice suddenly appeared next to his ear, though he felt no breath. "Look at what that human has done to you. You're practically one of them. A blind, useless, lovestruck mortal who can't see past his own desire. So let me enlighten you."

Before Black could swing his arm back, something flitted to life in front of him. Something eerily familiar. The spiky hair, sharp jawline, crazed onyx eyes.....it was almost like he was looking into a mirror.

No, not exactly. It was too solid to be a mere reflection, though as he hesitantly reached out a hand to touch it, his fingers passed through the figure's chest, much like when he had tried to hit Zamasu. Black wasn't even sure if it was him at first. He looked so...what was the word, vulnerable?

Sweat dripped down his face and matted his hair to his forehead, clothes all disheveled and out of place, and his eyes......that was the worst. A mingle of anger and fear, for both you and himself. Part of him knew that what Zamasu was saying was true, that he had perhaps grown soft, letting down his guard enough to allow you inside his heart. When you first met, he followed you out of sheer curiosity and boredom, but over time it had grown to something much more, something he never would have thought he would be capable of feeling. And as a result, he had barely killed anybody since you wandered into his life, and definitely not as much as he used to.

Fuck, I really am losing my touch.

But no matter how much he despised you at that moment, and no matter how much he chastised himself, he couldn't bear to give you up. To Zamasu, Trunks, to no one but him. He was the one and only God who would ever be able to touch you, and to worship you in ways you never thought possible.

His dark eyes widened in shock. That was it! A God!

"Zamasu," He suddenly addressed his ex-partner, who merely narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "I think I have a compromise."

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