Nine Months Until The Wedding

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"I can't believe I have to choose what kind of napkins I want. I don't care about napkins."

Maria throws the fifteenth type of napkin on the pile. Had it been her, she would've chosen the first one that she saw, but her mother is different.

"You have to, otherwise who will?"

"You care a lot about the damn napkins, you choose. Carol and I won't care, believe me."

Maria knows it was a comment on the fact that Carol isn't here to help, but she ignored it. She is not in the mood to put up with her mother's comments.

"Maybe if Carol was here, we wouldn't have this problem."

Jesus Christ, she doesn't give up, does she?

"She had to work, mom. You try being a lawyer."

"I'm just saying, why prepare for a wedding at all if you're not here to help your fiancé?"

Maria stands up and folds her arms across her chest. From the corner of her eye she can see her dad outside playing with Ramona, which should calm her down. But it doesn't.

"I'm sick of this, mom. You keep making these snarky comments about Carol and we both take it, without saying anything. I think you need to stop and at least try to be nicer."

"Maria, I don't mean anything by them, you know it." Jackie says, making her way to the kitchen.

Again, her mother acts all innocent. Maria sighs and rubs her forehead. As she's ready to give up, Carol's face pops in her head. She can't help but to think about the night when they had a" meet-my-girlfriend" type of dinner.

"I don't think they like me that much. Well, I don't think your mom does."

"Carol, they've known you for ten years now. They're just not used to seeing me with a girlfriend."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

Of course, as time passed, Maria started thinking that Carol might be right, but that didn't matter to her. All she wanted was to be with Carol.

Now, seeing and hearing how her mother acts around Carol, Maria knows it's not that. And it's pissing her off.

"No, mom, you do mean something by them and you need to stop. " Maria says as she enters the kitchen. "If Carol was a dude, it would've been perfectly fine if work got in the way of deciding a cake flavour, or deciding what stupid napkins we want on the damn table."

"That is not true, Maria."

"Cut the crap, mom. For once, since you found out about my sexuality, be honest."

"What do you want from me, Maria? Do you want me to put a sign outside that says My daughter is gay, everyone!, do you want me to do that?"

"No, I just want you to be supportive of me and Carol, and be nice to her. I can take your crap, but I don't want her to have to take it."

Maria looks at her mother with a hopeful look, even if she's pissed off. Her mother loves her and, surely, she can put her ego aside for her daughter.

"Stop this, Maria. I'm nice enough."

"No, you're not! You liked Carol before, what changed?"

Don't say what I think you're going to say, please.

"Maria, stop."

Of course you won't say it. Not because you don't think of it.

"What changed, mom? What changed?!"

"You! I don't want you to be gay!"

Jackie finally snapped, and she realised too late.

"Maria, baby, I-"

"Tell dad to drop Ramona off when she wants to go home."

Maria storms out of the kitchen, and out of the house. She wipes the tears from her eyes and gets in the car.

She finally said it.

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