Chapter VI

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Soon after Sam left the balcony, Lana headed to her room as well. The air that hung between her and Sam had been tense when he left, leaving Lana to wonder what she could've said wrong this time.

The next morning was an early one, against which Lana's head indignantly protested. Her companions had already gathered at the car when she finally emerged from the hotel.

"Good morning!" Victor cheered, enjoying the hungover look Lana was sporting.

The death glare Lana sent him was enough to slay an army, but it failed to phase Victor.

"So," Lana began. "Scotland is where we're going."

Nate chuckled at the sarcastic tone that laced her words. "Not a fan of Scotland?" He asked, one eyebrow risen.

Lana grumbled something that no one really caught, except for the words 'cold' and 'freezing'.

She never saw Sam staring at her from the other side of the car. She'd gotten dressed prepared for the adventure, which was a stark contrast from her elegant evening look the night before.

Her hair was slightly tousled and the dark line under her eyes showed a hint of her makeup she didn't take off completely last night.

He wouldn't admit it to anyone- not even at gunpoint, but he thought she looked beautiful.

He was thrown out of his train of thought once the group entered the car and headed off to the harbor.

The ride was quiet, with Lana sitting in the front seat, the two drakes sitting in the back, and Victor driving.

It was then Lana noticed Sam's eyes burning holes in the side of her head. She met his eyes a couple of times, but when she turned, he looked away.

Arriving at the harbor, Nate and Victor soon left to return the keys of the car they'd rented, leaving Lana alone with Sam.

The air was tense, Lana didn't know how her relationship with Sam fared at the moment. For all she knew, he was pissed at her, yet she couldn't remember anything she might've said last night that would create such tension.

Luckily the silence didn't last long, as Victor and Nate soon returned and beckoned for the two to follow them towards Victor's plane.

They all entered the small plane, and off they went.

Lana sat down opposite of Nate, who was analyzing a map that had yet to make sense to her.

He noticed her questioning look, and motioned for her to sit next to him.

"This right here," he pointed on the map. "That's the cathedral."

Lana swallowed hard. "That's where Rafe is blowing everything to hell, right?"

Nate chuckled. "Yeah, he is. But, luckily, we're gonna be all the way over here." He dragged his finger across the map to a place labeled graveyard, quite a while away from the cathedral.

Lana took the map from Nate. "This map doesn't show the terrain and elevation," she all but pouted.

"Well," Nate answered, shooting Lana a smile, "you should expect an awful lot of climbing."

"Always do," she mumbled in response.

In the front of the plane, Sam had joined Victor in the copilot seat. He glanced behind him every so often, looking at Lana and Nate talking and laughing.

Point Of No Return ~ Uncharted 4 [Sam Drake]Where stories live. Discover now